welcome back

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The time of Niall being gone went by pretty slow. There were some days that seemed to go bye fast and some which is like most of them super slow. But now the time was over and I was on my way to pick him up from the airport. As well as going there I followed their driver. He also let me know when exactly their coming since Niall wasn't completely sure.

I was getting more excited by the minute. I didn't plan like a big welcome back thing because he was probably exhausted from the tour and flying. He didn't have to fly to much today since he came from France.

I was now only 10 more minutes away from the airport.

When I got there I walked up to Basil which is his name. He is specifically Niall's bodyguard. The other boys bodyguards went on tour with them and it happened to be his turn staying.

"I'm so excited for them to get here" is say standing in the arrival place. Basil next to me staying all serious not being anything new.

We wait another 15 minutes or so and then the first people start coming from the door. Then all the sudden I see Louis and know Niall can't be far away.

I squeal as I see him (Niall). He walks guarded by the bodyguards. When he gets to me he gives me a very long hug.

" I'm so glad this tour is finally over and I'm back with you."

" me too, now say how was it?" I ask as we walk out.

" good, a lot of fans."

" cool, you must be exhausted from traveling"

" a little, it's always good to come back home after a tour. You can fall asleep knowing you don't have a alarm set."

"Yeah" he loads his things in the car and then walks back to me.

" I can drive with you again right"

" yes" we start driving to their house. He fell asleep which I didn't mind cause he looked adorable.

" Niall, where here" I say in a soft voice and as he doesn't react I tap his shoulder. He opens his eyes and closes them again cause the sun is bright.

" how long did I sleep"

" almost the whole way"

" oh" he gets out and I do as well. We walk over the the car where the others where also getting their things from. Then he grabs his things and gives me a kiss. " We can do something tomorrow"

" ok just text me when you feel like it"

" will do" with that he turns around and heads toward the house.

I drive home and can't wait to do something tomorrow and snuggle up against him. I took off for a couple days so I could spend some time with the boys and Niall.

Yeah he's back.

Niall Horan and Me ?!Where stories live. Discover now