long story

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I wake from another nap. It's really hard to keep awake being 78 years old.

Dreams always stick with me and I remember usually the entire day. Until I go to sleep again. But this dream was different, as if I lived part of my life over again. I felt, loved, and cried. Probably not just in my dream. I rub my face, it definitely was moist to.

Thea last time I ever herd about Niall again was 45 years ago. That one day he just never showed up again. Left me and fiona. She was 10 by then. She asked me over and over again where daddy went. What happened to him. I couldn't tell her of course. I knew as much as she did. So I told her that he was on a long trip. To look at the world. A couple years later was as if she forgot all about him. I never did, and still don't understand why he left.

My Fiona has a family of her own now. A pretty wife and two children. Mac and alec. They come visit me all the time. Make my last couple of years living enjoyable.

I don't know what will happen next. One thing I do want him to know one day is that I never gave up on him.


The end. I hope you enjoyed my book and will recommend it to others.

Niall Horan and Me ?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant