time goes by

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Tomorrow will be my babies first birthday. She's growing up so fast. Time goes by fast. Lately everything has been going by fast.

I love Niall so much but we've lost a lot of connection to each other. He's on concerts so often we don't have much time to spend together. He gets home late night and leaves usually after lunch.

It feels like he doesn't want me no more.😕


I put up the decorations for Fiona's party, and try to bake her a good tasting and looking cake. Let's hope that works.

Sabrina came over to help me set it up. I guess her and that guy from the zoo didn't work out. She said they broke up already like 4 month ago. Wow that really was a short relationship. Well like 1 year, she looks totally ok with it.

As Sabrina plays with Fiona I call and make sure everyone I want to come can come.

First mom, well of course she can. She's my mom and isn't going miss her granddaughters first birthday. Michelle probably won't come with her but that's up to her.

Some other relatives and Liam, and Harry. Just some of Niall's friends and his mom and dad maybe. Just to get together.

They all said yes to coming. Soem had to be there later though since it was a week day and some had to work.

I was pretty confident Niall knew it was Fiona's birthday tomorrow so i wasn't gonna tell him. Maybe I'll remind him tonight.


I'm laying in bed waiting for Niall to get home. But even the night before someone special's birthday he's home late. Like he doesn't care.

But about an hour later the door finally opens. He's drunk smells like alcohol and stumbles into bed. Unbelievable! I turn to him and speak.

" I don't know if you'll even remember but it's your daughters birthday tomorrow. It would be nice to show up and be a good dad. One that you haven't been lately if you ask me!" I get up and walk downstairs and lay on the couch.

What's going on with him. Like he's unhappy or tieed of his life. As if he wants to turn back time and change things. Me and Fiona. For us to never happen. So he could be free and not have responsibility of being a husband and father, that a child needs. Someone I need in my life. I love him so much I just don't feel the same back from him.


People are here and it's a good time. Everyone's talking and laughing. Some have children of their own who then sit with Fiona and goe at each other. It's literally the most cutest thing ever.

With all that going on I didn't even realize that Niall hasn't showed up yet.

I call him but he won't answer. I text but he doesn't read my messages. I call and text hos friends, they don't know where he is. Where is he. Did something hapen or is he just somewhere at a variety drinking and flirting with other chicks?

Well where ever he was and whatever he was doing I had to start the celebration now. It was time for cake and cupcakes and more fun. No way I was ruining her special day.


As we eat cake and sing happy birthday to my angel time goes by and there is still no sign of niall. People were asking where he was or what he was doing and I couldn't give them an answer. I call him again. The 5 time now.

And again no answer. OK now I'm really starting to get worried. Eather he's sk busy he sm doesn't b have time or something serious happened.

Something I did notice about that afternoon was harry flirting with Sabrina. They would totally make a cute couple. I'm not sure if I saw wrong but it looked like they exchanged numbers.

I walk over to her and get in a conversation.

" so you and Harry. Making new friends? " She blushes and smiles slightly.

" He is cute. Those long curly brown hair, the sparkling eyes. How can you not fall for him."

" I didn't. " We both laugh.

" where is Niall anyway? Haven't seen him all afternoon." Great how am I going to answer a question I don't have the answer too.

" he had some work to do." I can tell she knows that's not what he's doing.

" come on, tell me."

" the truth is I don't know." My eyes tear up. She drags me into the pantry. Wow great place to have a talk." He hasn't been around much and always has something to do. Comes home drunk, doesn't......give a dam about....m-eeee." I couldn't finish. I break out crying like a baby. Sabrina comes closer and holds me tight in her arms. My head downward in her shoulder.


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