the end ?

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Cleaning up took like 3 hours. There was such a big mess. Children had thrown around food and it went everywhere. Even up the wall, how is that even possible.

Fiona was already sleeping. Cute as a button. Curled into a ball.

I finally finish and sit in the couch.
The door opens just as I sit down. Niall walks in as if it where a casual day. I don't say anything yet, maybe he'll notice on his own. Or at least see the anger and disappointment on my face. But again nothing. He just walks right passt me and up the stairs.

I come after him and won't let him get away in any way. No more escape, eather he's going to talk to me now and let me know what in the world was going know or I might really move out.

" looks like the gentleman of the house has decided to show up." He looks confused at me." today was tour daughters birthday and you missed it. Like you missed the passt couple weeks of your life. Talk to me! Please" I tear up for the third time today and probably the hundreds time in a couple weeks.

" I'm sorry" is all he says. " I don't know what's going on and I don't know if I can do " he looks now strait in my face. My wet tear pouring face. How could he do this to me. To his daughter. What if she grows up without her father?

" what do you mean? " I stutter. " what have I done? What did anyone ever do to you?"

" nothing, it's no one's fault especially not yours." He teared up to." I just wasn't ready for a marriage and a child. It was to much. I didn't realize that until a couple weeks ago. Seeing people, couples our age just enjoying themselves. No worries about children or other things."

" so you seriously thought being in a relationship and having a child was gonna be easy? And now that times are a bit harder your just gonna give up? Leave your daughter that I hope you care about. Leave me because again TIMES ARE A LITTLE HARD!!!" I was now more angry than sad. Both actually but my emotions are just messed up. Having a child isn't ever easy and won't get easier as you go on. It gets harder and more difficult but if you really love that person you are gonna fight. Not just give up after the first little issue. But instead of standing up in just say this.

" ok fine, we should take a break. I'll move out and we might figure this out. But promise me one thing, always visit Fiona. Even when she's older. She needs a father. If me and her in the same house and life is to much at least still care for her."

" I will always be there for her, for you. I truly care a about you. I love you but your right we do need a break. I don't know if things are ever gonna go back to normal bit I just want you to know this. " We were both now totally soaked in salty water drops. " call me whenever and I'll be there. Come here" he said lastly and pulled me in for our last hug. A hug that I haven't felt since weeks. It felt so real, like he really ment it.

I left still that night. Suitcases packed, Fiona in the back of the car and on my way to mom. I need her now more than ever.


Never thought it would end this way now did you.

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