Moving Together

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"Ok, a couple more steps, ok stop"
Niall had his hands over my eyes pushing me around. First into the car then up some hill, or at least it felt like a hill. I couldn't be sure since my eyes where covered the whole time. Eather with his hands or a scarf.

We where now stopped.

" and open" I opened my eyes and saw a little house in front of me. I can't believe it we're moving together!

" is this for you and me?" I ask just making sure.

" yeah, we can move in whenever your ready" well, as soon as possible of course.

" um, well I'm fine whenever"

" ok the  how about in 3 days we start."

" ok" I turn around and we kiss.
" I love you"

" I love you too"

Now as you know we got married. Well its actually already been 2 month now. I'm like the happiest person alive.  He's the best husband ever.

This is such a great surprise.  We can move  together and don't have to keep on visiting each others houses. Maybe I'll keep my old house for Michelle to move in a couple years.

She's gonna be so happy when I tell her. I'm super excited right now and have like a million thoughts on how it's gonna look with all of our furniture in it and how it's going to be.

" thanks, can't wait to see what it's gonna look like."

" yeah me neither"

" so are we gonna look at the inside?"

" we can't yet I don't get the keys until Tuesday."

" ok"

We stand another couple of minutes looking at our soon to be house, then drive to his current place.

There we decide to get in the hot tub and chill. The pool is still kind of to cold.

Harry joins us after he got back from soccer. They all like to play. Louis the most he's really good.

I've played a couple times with them but totally failed.

So now all three of us are sitting in the hot tub. We don't talk much, just all enjoying the sun and birds chirping all around, or at least that's why I'm quite and not talking. Their reasons  could be 10 times different then mine, which they probably are.

In 5 weeks they go on tour again. They already have had a couple performances in England,  but their going on their big world tour.

I was not looking forward to that but know that's how life is gonna be. Every year or at least most years he was going on big world tour. That takes about 1-2 months.

I know it totally sucks being that long away from your husband. Adding to that I'm gonna be all by myself in the new house. Nah I'll just sleep at Kelly, mom and friends. There is no way I'm sleeping in a house by the woods alone.

You might think I'm childish but believe me you wouldn't want to be me.

"By my love" Niall says before I enter my house.

" bye love you"

" love you too" I turn and walk in my house and see him disappear around the corner.

I hop in the shower and then get in some comfy clothe. Feels good.


So isn't it exiting that their moving together. But I tots feel sorry for kim. Niall has to leave again.😢

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