perfect life ?!?

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Lately my life has been going really well, or should I say just perfect. Michelle was back and everyone was getting along. Then me, Sabrina, and Kelly are really close friends, saved for the best Niall and I are super close. What happened 4 days ago and now he has another Date planned. I just never want to lose him.

Like I just told you Niall has another date planned for tonight and it's in a really fancy restaurant. We even got our privat room so no fans would interrupt. I think it's a Greek restaurant but am not quite sure.

I get there but couldn't find a place to park so I just stop at a supermarket. I lock my car and walk towards where I had already seen the restaurant.

I can now see Niall standing at the door with flowers in his one hand and waving with his other. I am literally so excited. I walk across the street keeping my eyes on Niall. But all the sudden I see lights appear from my side and before I know it I was flying trough the air and then I just saw black............

I open my eyes looking into a bright room blink a couple more times and then look around me. I spot Niall sitting in a chair on the other side of the room sleeping. Look around and notice I'm in a hospital. I try to sit up but a sudden pain runs through my body and I let out a whimp. As I do Niall wakes up and imediantly walks over to me.

" Are you ok? Should I call in the nurse? "

" no I'm fine its just when I try to move. What happened anyway. ?"

" a truck hit you and broke a couple ribs."

" oh my god, I should have been paying attention now I'm not gonna be able to move correctly until" I was wondering how long it took for ribs to heal.

" the doctor's said it could be 5-10 weeks. It all depends."

" I'm so sorry, I ruined our date and now we can't have one until like 10 weeks." I then started crying but had to stop because any movement hurt.

" it's ok, I'm just really happy your ok, if that truck would have hit you in a different way you could even be dead and that would break my heart and nobody could fix it." He said and kissed me on the forehead. That was like the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.

It's been about half and hour now and he was siting there holding my hand telling me story's of how he felt when he first meet me and when we had our first date. But listing to those wonderful words coming from his mouth I fell asleep. I dreamed of him and me one day being married living together in a small cozy house in London...........

Next time waking up I was hungry remembering that the last thing I had was lunch. I was about to ask Niall if he would mind getting me some but notice he wasn't there anymore. I look around in the room but still don't see him.

After waiting another couple minutes realizing that he wasn't coming back for a while I just called the nurses and asked them to please get me something to eat and drink. They agreed and one of them went to get it but the other one stayed with me pulling out some papers and a bag of liquid. I don't know what she's planning on doing with that but then see the needle and tube coming from my arm leading to a almost empty bag of liquid.

" what's that for" I ask.

" their for the pain and to keep you strong. " She them moved on to switching out the bags and writing some information on the peace of paper. As she finished writing down whatever she was the other nurse came in with a tray of food and a big jar of water. She put it down on the table next to me and left with the other one.

I pulled the table of food over to me and take the lid off. I see that it's a noodle soup with some bread and as dessert some chocolate pudding. I lastly start eating.

When I finished and had pushed away the tray I lay down and get on my phone which I spotted a couple minutes ago. I got like a 100 messages from mom, Kelly, Michelle and some of my friends. I read and see that they where all  asking about what happened and how I felt. I responded to some of them but got tired and put my phone away. I fixed my pillow and all the sudden spot a piece of paper under it.

I unfold it and start reading.

Dear kim,
I've known you for a couple months now and am so incredibly in love with you. Your the most talented and beautiful girl I have ever meet. It would be terrible to ever loose you. I wrote this letter when you slept like a angel ( well I mean you drooled but that's ok) I then left to give you as much time to rest as possible so you get we soon.


A tear ran down my cheek and I was filled with joy. Joy of how much he cares about me and that he can even make a letter touch my heart. I love him too and never want to be away from him.

I put the letter back under my pillow. Then layed down and went off into sweet dreams.


OMG this chapter is so touching. Kim almost dies and Niall puts all he feels for her in s letter, that us so romantic.

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