The BIG day

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5 month later........

" ouch" I say as Kelly pulls my hair to hard trying to get them to look perfect.

" sorry, my bad" she says and walks over to the table getting more Bobby pins. I have never in my life had that manny in my hair at once.

She finished.

" wow, you look beautiful" I wasn't able to see myself the whole time she was working on my hair. I hope she's right about my hair looking gorgeous. I stand up and walk over to the big mirror, and she was right. I looked amazing and that's just my hair the dress wasn't even on yet.

" well I better go change" I then walk to my bed, grab the dress and head for the bathroom.

Getting the dress on was easy but closing it was a big struggle. So after what seemed like hours of trying I give up and ask Kelly to close it for me.

" you look amazing, now we just need to add the final touches and your all ready."

I carefully sit back down and she begins on earings, necklace, and other stuff.

OK all finished. I get up and again walk to the mirror. OMG I look awesome. My hair up with bling bling all over. Now my dress us just beautiful. I mean I knew that when I bought, but it's still so overwhelming to see me in it now.

" thank you so much" I say and give Kelly a big hug.

" your welcome, I can't wait to see you today walking down he aisle. A lot is gonna change today. New last name, having a husband. I can't believe it."

" yeah me neither" now it's her turn to get ready. She's gonna be my bridesmaid plus Sabrina and Michelle.

I picked out a light purple dress for them. With a decent flower crown. I loved that outfit the day I saw it in the store.

Soon Kelly is ready and the door rings. I'm guessing it's Michelle, mom and Sabrina. I walk over and open it.

" you look absolutely stunning/ mom says.

" thanks the hair and makeup is Kelly's masterpiece."

" well she did a good job on it. Where is she?"

" getting ready in the bedroom."
She walks past me into the kitchen to set her stuff down.

" hey big sis, looking good"

" thanks" I give her a hug.

" hi " I say to Sabrina who was the last one to come in. I got to say she looks kind of hot in that dress.

" hey , so are you excited?"

" heck yeah, what do you think?"
We both laugh and she comes in.

It was middle of may and the weather really nice. Not to hot but also not to cold. The wedding was outside under really pretty trees. The color mode was white and purple which there where different shades of. Me and my mom picked it and everyone seemed ok with it.

We where on our way to the car.
I was on the passenger seet of Kelly's car with Sabrina in the back. Mom and Michelle went in mom's car.

Every minute we got closer the more excited I got.

As we enter the area the wedding was set up I could see about 14 cars standing. Half of them where my relatives and friends and the other half Niall's.

We parked at the front where we wouldn't have to walk to far. I didn't want to get my dress dirty. I mean who would want to ruin there wedding dress.

Mom went ahead to get my grandpa, I know it's suppose to be the dad but I don't have one. He left when I was 5 and Michelle about to be born. At that time I didn't understand what was happening. I only noticed dad not being there anymore. That's past, so now my grandpa will walk me down the aisle.

He comes up to me and smiles.

" well look who's growing up" he laughed and took my arm. The music startet and we walked. My heart was racing. I see Niall standing up front still turned around. All the people that came. I'm so happy.

We get up front and grandpa gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks to his seat next to grandma.

I stand in front of Niall with him now turned around looking at me.

" you look beautiful" I chuckle.

" thanks you don't loom bad either."

The guy started talking and soon he came to the yes words.

" will you Kim alex brox take Niall James horan as your husband. If so say yes I do."

" yes I do" happy tears fall down my cheeks.

" now will you Niall James Horan take Kim Alex Brox as your wife. If so say yes I do."

" yes I do."

" you may now exchange your rings." Liam hand him the rings and he gives me his. I take hos hand and slide the ring on his finger. Then he gently takes my hand and puts the ring on.

" you may kiss"

He grabs me and we kiss. As we do everyone starts cheering.

I'm married to Niall. Now my name is Kim Alex Horan. Oh my god I can't believe it.

The party starts. Everyone's dancing and having fun.

" would you my dear wife dance with me? "

" it would be my pleasure" he grabs my hands and swings me into the crowd.

Around late afternoon it was time for he cake. My second favorite part besides getting married. I love cake. My mom and aunt made it. As it came rolled out toward the buffet I was amazed. It looked wonderful. With purple and white flowers and me and Niall on the top. If it tasted as good as it looked I would top my day with some extra credit.

We walk towards it and cut it together. I can't believe it it was even chocolate cake. Can't wait to bite into it. We pull the piece complete out and feed it to each other. I literally smashed it into his face. I didn't mean to but the fork was so full with cake that it slipped in my hands and right into his face.

He didn't mind and just liked it off. As revenge he put some cake on my nose.

After cake and dessert we keep on partying. Dancing and talking around the fire.

As we where sitting at the fire Niall and he boys sang one off their newest songs. I think it was infinity. Still not too sure about their music.

The day slowly ends and people start leaving. Soon it's just me mom, Michelle, niall and the boys.

We walk to the car. There our ways separate. Niall goes home with the boys and I go with mom and Kelly.

" goodbye my husband"

" goodbye" we hug and turn separate ways.


Probably my favorite chapter

The left picture represents the flower crown kelly, Michelle and Sabrina wore. The middle is about what kim looked like and I he right what the bridesmaid's dresses looked like.

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