Chapter 22

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🚫Not Edited🚫

It's been a week since Shea been home and everybody has been camping out in the living room at Shea and Jay house. Shea missed her baby's so much she's been crying on and off since she's been back. Nothing and I mean nothing has been able to separate her from Heaven, well, other than school.

"Uncle Lean can you fix me some juice?" Heaven asked coming from her room. Lean looked around the room at all the able adults.

"All these grown folks in here and you ask me. Heck your momma and daddy right over there." He said pleading his case.

"So you gone fix it or nah!" She said putting her hand on her hip. She is too much. Shea would but the triplets are making simple tasks hard so she stays sitting or laying down most of the time. Lean looked over at Jay and he quickly pretends to be sleep. Lean smacked his lips and told Heaven to come on. Causing all the kids to follow him in the process. He swears he gets no respect from the kids. Except Nevaeh, because she know better than to disrespect an adult. Jay got a text and he immediately stood up and gave a kiss to Shea before leaving. He's sure nothing will happen to her as long as squad is there with her. Plus, Kush is there and he damn sure ain't gone have a repeat of the past.

Jay Pov

I pulled up to my momma house and seen her car there. I looked at my phone and sent him a text letting him know I was here. Getting out the car and using my key to get into the house. First thing I seen was a small white dot rushing to the door. No lie I kicked whatever it was hard as shit. After that I realized It was a dog. I stretched my eyes, shocked, and immediately felt bad. I'm sorry, it was a reflex. I'm not for the animal abuse. I go to check on the dog but it took off running towards the kitchen. Getting to the kitchen I hear her voice.

"Awww what's wrong snow? What's wrong with mamas lil girl?" Maaaan this dog a snitch. She over where whining like I hurt her. Shut up, I already know what y'all gone say. And I don't want to hear it.

"Heyyyy maaaaa" I said walking over to her with my arms open, but was cut off by Snow growling at me. I immediately stopped and gave the dog a glare.

"Go lay down Snow." My mom told the ugly mutt. She turned to me and gave me a big hug and kiss.

"How you been ma?" I said hopping up on her counter. She frowned at me before hopping up on the counter across from me.

Lord knows I love my mama. I just sat there staring at her in a daze. Do y'all ever do that? "I've been good baby. I can't complain. How's my baby been doing?" She asked with her million dollar smile. I was knocked out of my thoughts when she asked that.

"Oh I'm fi-"

"Not you boy. I was talking about Shea and the babies." I was speechless. Here I was looking at my mom like she was the best thing on this earth, and she do me like that. I couldn't help but feel hurt at that. "Lord Jay, how you doing baby? I swear your so sensitive sometimes." So.

I crossed my arms and pouted a little before answering. " I'm fine ma and Shea and the kids are doing fine as well. The Triplets are taking a toll on her body." She frowned with worry written all over her face "She has to wear this thing where it supports her stomach making it easier on her back." She nodded with a frown still on her face. "God ma, the other day she tried to kill me because I wanted to hold her. Mama the girls possessed. She has demons in her ma and I'm not talking about my babies." She laughed lard at that. My mom thinks Shea does no wrong. She could see her slap me and swear she hasn't done anything. "Enough about me. What's the daily gossip." I said leaning forward propping my arms on my thighs. She shook her head laughing.

"Your a mess. Well I have a new friend named Tracy. She's become a close friend. She comes over almost every weekend, but she can never stay too long. I can honestly say that she's a little weird.I met her a while ago. Actually a couple of weeks before that mishap with, you know..." She said looking away leaving what she said in the air. I nodded knowing what she was saying.

I looked at my phone and seen I had a text message. I smiled knowing what's about to happen. "Ma I got a surprise for you." Her eyes sparkled at that. I swear to you my mom is spoiled. "C'mon."

Meredith Pov

I followed Jay to the door and he opened it allowing me to walk out first. "You got a new car?" I asked confused. I know damn well he didn't bring me out here to show me his car. Looking up at him I seen him shake his head no. Hearing a car door shut I seen someone walking slowly towards us. I squint a little before all the breath in my body leaves. No it can't be.


Nathaniel! I quickly let go of Jays shirt and run towards my baby. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I'm no punk now, but this got me. I cried so hard. He looks so much like Jay. Well Jay looks like him since he's the oldest. A mother can always recognize her child.

"Ohhmybabyineverthoughtiwouldseeyouagain" I cried into his shirt. I felt his chest vibrate before he pulled away slightly to ask what I had said. "I never thought I would see you again." I broke out crying all over again.

"Well I always kept my eyes on you." I quickly hit him in his chest.

"Boy! Why didn't you let me know you were alright! How did you-oh God I'm gonna faint." I placed my hand on my head and collapsed.

Jays Pov

I rushed over to ma as soon as I seen her hand shoot up to her head. She tends to faint when things are a bit too overwhelming. Like the time she caught me in my room smoking weed at the age of twelve. Well she fainted after she beat my ass and flushed my stash.

When I got over there Nate had ma in his arms and we headed for the house. He laid her down on the couch and I went to go get a ice pack and towel from the kitchen. When I got back he took it from me and placed it on her head.

"Damn nigga what did you say to her?"

"Nothing, I just told her I always had my eye on her." He said shrugging. "I didn't think she was gone pass out." I was bout to say something but I heard my mama grunt.

"W-what's going on here?" She said looking at me then her eyes slightly shifted to Nate and her eyes started to water again.

"Nope! Don't you start that. You have done enough of that. Ain't no punks around here." I playfully told her well kinda. I don't need anymore crying cause I'm sure I'll be crying pretty soon too if they keep this up. She giggled and sat up.

For the next couple of hours we all just sat there catching up with each other.

Awwwwww Meredith has reunited with Nate. I thought this was so cute. It made me happy. Even though this chapter was rushed and pretty short I liked it. Also I wanna thank everybody who has had my grandma in their prayers. You don't know how much that meant to me.

I made this chapter while my deep conditioner was sitting. #NaturalHairProblems

Lol but now I gotta finish this process so I'll see y'all on the next update. Don't forget to Vote, Comment & Follow and let me know what y'all think about this chapter. ✌🏾

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