Chapter 6

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Shea Pov

Omg, all the way here, all this bitch did was fuss and complain. I swear I wanted to snap her damn neck. Jay ole soft ass aint say shit. I bet he go around saying he run shit... he dont run a damn thing. The first fifteen minutes was interesting. Then it got boring, so I had decided to spice things up by calling my next door neighbor. He is so sweet yall...but he to damn soft for my liking. I like the type of man that can put me in my place (rns yall I love it). Jay was mad as shit... especially when I told him I'll see him when I get home and I missed him.

As of now im standing in the lobby cussin' Jay out. He think he gone have all of us in one room. Fuck that.

"Hell. No. What the hell I look like sleeping in the same room as yall!? Plus I dont even like her rat looking ass. Hell, I don't like you either." I yelled to Jay. I don't care if im causing a scene. I turned to look at the person behind the desk "Now, if you wouldnt like for me to stick my foot up yo ass. I suggest you give me a separate room. Dont make me have a nigga moment." The lady behind the desk gone looked at Jay. "Dont look at him, he aint paying for shit. Fuck it. Let me speak with your manager" I dismissed her scary ass. I turned to look at Jay and give his girl the finger.

"How may I help you ma'am?" I turned and seen the father to my unborn babies!!!! Yasss! Imma work this one. Watch.

"See, im on a business trip and I want I separate room from the two stupid looking individuals behind me. But when I told her I wanted another room she looked at jackass behind me and said that all the rooms were occupied. Im not happy at all." The whole time I was talking he was biting his lip. "Is there anything you can do to fix this?" I asked looking innocent biting my lip. He groaned.

"Is that right? Well beautiful lets get you your room. Since you had such a hard time..your stay is on us. Is that better?" He asked leaning over the counter closer to my face." God this man is to damn sexy.

"Yes that's fine" I smiled and winked at him. He gave me my key

"Now that business is out the way...can I have your number, beautiful?" That and something else I thought to myself.

"Yes you can sexy." He smiled! Lord that smile. I gave him my number and left to my room.

Jay Pov

God, if Tasha dont hush imma snap her damn neck. Ever since we been in the car she been fussin bout petty stuff. I tuned her out when I heard Shea on the phone. She talkin bout some 'I miss you' and 'I'll see you when I get home'. No the fuck she won't! That pussy belongs to nobody but me. She gone make me kill a nigga.

Standing in the lobby getting fussed at by Shea. She dont want to share a room with me, but shit I told yall I was gonna get my baby back. I don't see the problem with it.

"Hell. No. What the hell I look like sleeping in the same room as yall!? Plus I dont even like her rat looking ass. Hell, I don't like you either." Why she yelling at me? Not only that people starting to stop and stare "Now, if you wouldnt like for me to stick my foot up yo ass. I suggest you give me a separate room. Dont make me have a nigga moment." The lady looked at me. "Dont look at him, he aint paying for shit. Fuck it. Let me speak with your manager" She turned to me and gave me the finger. In my mind I was like where & when?

"How may I help you ma'am?" I looked up and seen some dude eyeing Shea hard as hell.

"See, im on a business trip and I want I separate room from the two stupid looking individuals behind me. But when I told her I wanted another room she looked at jackass behind me and said that all the rooms were occupied. Im not happy at all." Why he biting his lip at her!? "Is there anything you can do to fix this?" She asked looking innocent biting her lip. Is she fucking serious right now??

A Thick Girl & A Thug (Book II)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt