Chapter 27

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Shea Pov

Two months, it's been two months and my life is still all over the place. Between the triplets and Lea, life have been all over the place. Jay helps when he can but of course he has to handle things at the trap. For two months I've been bringing this up to him. I want him to consider retiring from the game. Ya know, invest the money into different business's. Clean up the money and start thinking about his family.Heaven and Lea are currently at school, so I have time to get things straightened out here at the house..if the triplets let me. Yes, we have a nanny to help with a few things, but with everything I've been through my trust just isn't the same. Meredith is my go to, tohelps keep the kids when needed. She doesn't mind, but there's now alot of them. So, the nanny helps in the mean time. She's comes like twice a week.

Jay Pov

"No Trap we're not going to kill her! I said referring to Trina. Since that whole rescuing Shea thing I threw her in the basement and left her there. Honestly forgot she was down there. We're sure to give her water and a piece of maybe chicken every 3 weeks. I really thought she'd be dead by now, that girl is living on the everlasting.

"Why not! I don't see why Trina or Shea mother still living?" He said getting up from his chair. "I'm bout to let Kush know she still living, bet they be dead by night fall." He mumbled walking out.

"You better not!" I yelled before the door closed.

I don't know why I haven't killed them yet, I just can't do it right now. This family don't need anymore bad karma. Especially with my babies being so young. Getting up from my desk I head down to the basement and head to the bagging room. I've noticed that the girls we have bagging is getting younger and younger. Walking up to this younger girl I take in her facial features.

"How old are you?" I asked, cause she can be no older than seventeen.

"Uhh, fourteen." She said looking nervous. I instantly got mad, who the fuck in charge of bagging! Oh damn, I forgot Trina was. We gone have to have a meeting asap.

"You're fired." I said then walking away

"King please! I need this job. I don't have anybody and I'm trying to get by on my own." She said on the verge of tears. I had a mental battle with myself.

I can't do this to her knowing she's on her own.

She's a fucking child for Christ sakes! She doesn't need to be doing shit like this!


"Follow me" I said walking away towards my office. When I get there squad just posted up in my office like they ain't got jobs. I'm too old for this shit.

"How did you end up here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Well I got in through a friend who works for you."

"Who's this friend?" I asked slowly getting agitated.

"I promised I wouldn't tell, because they said that you would flip because of how young I am." I nodded my head in understanding. I can't get mad for her not snitching.

"Where you laying your head at night?" Lean shook his head furiously. I looked in his direction.

"Hell no! No! It already feels like we're running a daycare. Wait till some of the kids we go off to college or something before we bring in another." Well he do have a point there. I can't take in every child in need, but she's a kid! Here I am having another mental battle with my-

"Jay no." Lean said. "How bout this, imma give you fifty racks and I better not see you back here, and I want you to get back into school and make something of yourself. I suggest you get a all paid scholarship to college, cause this my first and last time doing some shit like this." He took the duffle he was holding and gave it to her. "Speaking as a father, if I see yo ass again and you ain't doing what you should. Imma beat yo ass." He said bending down to her level looking her in the eyes. She shook her head in understanding with tears in her eyes. She walked out quickly and said a thank you on her way out.

"Jay I'm getting tired of this, Trap said leaning back into the chair." I just in his direction. "I've been thinking, we need to get out of this and quick. Something doesn't feel right. Feel like something's bad gonna happen." Real said looking at me. Looking at the rest of the squad I seen them shake their heads agreeing.

"Nuck?" I called looking for his opinion.

"I feel what Trap saying Jay. We need to start cleaning up some of the money and pass this down to somebody else. We're grown and got children now. I wanna be able to see my nieces and nephews grow up." I just shook my head in understanding.

Walking into the house it's a little past three in the morning. The house is completely quiet. Walking to Lea room I check to make sure she's alright. Shes had terrible nightmares since she's started staying with us. Next checking Heaven and the Triplets room. I'm still in the game for my kids. I want to make sure they never have to do what I'm doing.  I don't want them to ever want anything, and not be able to get it. 

"Babe what's wrong? " Shea asked walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around me.

"Nothing, just got alot on my mind." I said turning around and placing my hands on her ass. My baby, has been through alot. But, she's still here with me and we have beautiful children together.  I remember when we first met. Damn Shea done glo-

"Need a little help to get you to relax?" She asked looking up at me through her long lashes. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Nah, it's late and we both have to be up early. Maybe next time." She shook her head okay, and walked off to the room. I already know she's mad, but I'm just tired and have to get back to the trap early as hell.

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