Chapter 8

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Nuck Pov

We finally got Shea back and im happy. Jay was acting like a lil bitch when she left his ass. Thats what his ass get. We always told him Shea was gone leave his ass, but we ain know she was gone disa-fuckin-pear.  All that matters is the family is back together again. Well kinda...Jay and Shea aint together...close enough lol.

Trap Pov

Yesss I got my partner in crime back!! Yall aint know but whenever I needed to vent and smoke a couple of blunts, Shea was there. I know Trina happy cause she has yet to stop smiling. When she left she went two months without givin me any. I was mad as fuck. She would be like ' I suggest you get it poppin with some lotion and porn hub my nigga'. Walking around sexually frustrated is wrong as fuck.

Kush Pov

Mannn when Jay told us what happend I instantly got mad as fuck. Im cursing his ass out and he looking at me like im the stupid one. Shit I even went on a little killing spree. What? Im half Italian violence is in my blood. But the only reasion ain slap Jay ass up is causs thats my nigga. But I tell you what, it happen again and he gone get these muhhfuckin hands. Oh and Shea still gone get the belt when the kids aint around. She lucky Heaven saved her, cause she was gone get it.

Lean Pov

Yall on some rns, I cried the day Shea left. It felt as if part of me had left. I honestly felt like she was my blood sister, and she was gone without a trace. Shanell was upset too. Bruhhh when I tell you the girls whooped Jay assss they beat the shit out him. And no this sexy muhhfucka didnt jump in. Hell nobody jumped in to interfere. When the door opened, it felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders. I dont know why but it did.

Jay Pov

Being able to spend time with eachother like old times made me realize how much of a fuck up I am. I always do something wrong when things are going perfect. Wait, now that I see how far Shea is from everybody imma need for her to bring her ass closer to where everyon is. Werther she like it or not imma buy her a new house thats closer to us. Cant haver her and my baby that far from me. Tonight im throwing a party at the club. It's a mini celebration of everything almost being back to how it should be.

Shea Pov

Everyone was happy to see that I was back. Shit, im even happy things are kinda back like they should be. I honestly missed squad though. I missed everything about them. What I missed the most was my girls. Trina found out that Shanell knew where I was the whole time and she givin me the silent treatment. And  I was like 'but she knew where I was...she should be in trouble tooo'. Ahaha but She'll get over it, cause she always get mad at me but it never lasts long.

Now that everyone knows where I stay im having mad pop-ups. Lean be over here most of the damn time. I be having to call Shanell to get his geriffe looking ass out my house. Kush and Trap will stop bye and spend time with Heaven. I bee keeping a eye out for Kush cause I know he still trying to whoop me. Nuck spoils Heaven to death anything she wants she gets from him. If he thinks she will want it he'll get it. Jay doesn't pop up like that surprisingly. He'll call to see if he can come over. If he do that ugly ass crack (yess she called her ah ass crack) he calls his girlfriend is with him. She always giving me the stank face. She better stop before she fucks around and turn up missing.

Over the past two weeks I been getting to know my neices and Nephew. Trap and Trina little boy is soooo handsome. He is the cutest thing in the world. Then my baby Nevaeh is so beautiful. Nyla, dont get me started on that sexy beast right there lol thats what she calls herself ahahaha. She's getting so big. Shes has really grown up. She looks just like Brandon but she also looks like her mom. I finally saw what she looks like and she was very pretty.

Tonight Jay is throwing a party and you already know imma be up in that bitch turnt the fuck up... When Jay isn't looking  . Im sitting here now trying to figure out what imma wear. Heaven and the other children is down my dads house lol. He always fuss about us leaving them with him but he spoils them rottin. They love him just as much as he loves them.

Unknow Pov

This bitch think she slick. Should of kept her black ass m.i.a.. We didnt need her in the first place. Hell, Jay dont even need her, but he thinks they were ment to be. As long as she stays in her place there will be no problem.


Okayy, heres a small filler before things start getting serious. Im so excited and I juss cant hide it!! Lmao im seriouse though, cause I got some shit for yall though lol.

Lean cried? Lol aww

Kush still tryina whoop Shea with the belt?  Lmao

Trina giving Shea the silent treatment?

Shea daddy playing daddy daycare?

Who do yall think the unknown person is?

Yall aint ready for this club scene though...wish yall could see this silly ass smirk on my face ahaha.

Dont forget to Vote & Comment and another update will be up by tonight to tomorrow...deuces my niggettes!!

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