Chapter 30

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Shea Pov

I looked up at this boy in pure surprise and amusement, he could not be serious right now.

"What?" He said looking at me looking all silly. I just shook my head and brought his face closer to mines.

"Dont fuss, dont fight, dont argue." I said looking into his eyes smiling.

"So whenever you get in the mood. Just call boyfriend number two." He sung back to me then kissing me deeply.

Jay Pov

Sooo, she just gone act like she dont see me calling her phone. She dropped my kids off at my moms and bounced. Hell she didnt even tell the girls that she was leaving. Yall think I've gotten rid of the tracking device I had on her? Hell naw, cause Shea ass stay getting snatched up by some damn body. But I'll let her think I'm clueless on her whereabouts.

"Man why she back at her apartment?" Kush asked looking at the screen with me. I looked at him in confusion and shrugged my shoulders.

"Maan, ion know but imma let her stay there for a few days. Apparently she wants some space and imma give it to her." I said ashing my blunt before passing it to him.

"Alright, she come back untouched by her husband but pregnant you'll feel stupid." Lean mumbled scrolling on his phone.

"Bitch shut the fuck up! Im not worried about Shea finding another nigga. We been together and been through too much for that to happen." I said trying to reassure myself. My baby wouldn't do that. Would she?

"Says the one who's cheated several times." Nuck said under his breath. Why everybody attacking my ass? I shot him a death glare and looked down at my phone. Showing the fifteen calls that shes ignored.

"I know one thing, yall lil fuckers better leave me alone! Matterfact take y'all asses to work! Y'all stay somewhere not working, but still get paid. "Ion wanna see y'all asses no more unless its about work." I said dismissing them.

"You lucky I gotta go check on Shanell." Lean said walking out. Didn't I say get back to work? Home is not work. I just shook my head and tried calling Shea again. No answer.

Looking at my phone I seen my brother had sent me a text.

What you doing lul whore? I wanna hit the club tonight, so handle business and get back with me for the detalis.

This might be what I need to get some of this stress up off me.

Shea Pov

So im laying on the bed and Jayce is laying with his head on my stomach. We just been doing a lot of cuddling and having small talk here and there. Scrolling on my phone im looking at all the phone calls i've ignored from Jay. Is it bad to feel kinda good on the inside. It feels like im able to breathe and inhale nothing but fresh air. I dont have to stress about anything right now and im liking it. I can say, im missing my babies though. Ive never been away from them this long, not including the times my ass been kidnapped. I went to my contacts to call mama, but my phone started ringing and it was Jay. I took a deep breath and answered. Jayce looked up at me with a look of concern. I put my finger over my lips telling him to be quiet before I answered.

"Hello?" I said giving Jayce the eye cause he looks like he got something up his sleeve.

"I know you seen me calling you? What you doing? Better yet, where you at?" He said sounding mad. I just hung up. I dont have time for this.

"Well damn, why you aint answer your man? He was obviously concerned about your whereabouts." He said sitting up laughing. I mushed his head and headed to the bathroom. Coming out he was posted up outside the door.

"Ew, nigga dont be standing there listening to me pee." I said brushing past him.

"So you not gone mention that fart you let out?" I died laughing. He better stop he know damn well I didn't fart. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the lips and his hands started slowly rubbing up my thighs. "I can help you release some of that stress you got built up inside, you know." He said with his lips on mines. Hell why not, not like we will ever go past that.

Jayce Pov

Sitting there with my lips on hers, well she didn't say no. I picked her up and dropped her in the middle of the bed. A surprised squeal left her lips as she bounced a little. I got on top of her and kissed her from her lips down to her stomach. I looked up at her as I was at her stomach and slowly started pulling down her yoga pants revealing her VS underwear. Yall ever met a nigga that just looooved pussy with a passion? Well im that nigga. Im the nigga that'll beg just to eat it real quick. I gripped the back of her thighs and pushed them back and slowly brought my face between her legs. Taking a long inhale of her scent, I had to just close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself. After pulling her panties off I did what a nigga know how to do best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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