Chapter 25

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Shea Pov

Now when everyone wake up they gone freak out. I sat up and leaned against the headboard. Looking at everyone in the room I shook my head. I stepped over Trap and accidentally stepped on some girl. I ain't do nothing but shrug, ain't nobody from my squad.

Getting in the shower I tied my hair up on top of my head and washed my body. I hear somebody bust in the bathroom and start peeing. I peek out carefully and seen it was Shanell. She yawned and looked over at me.

"Heyyyy newly wed." She said with a half sleep smile. I couldn't help but have a devious smirk.

"Hello newly wed!" I repeated with the biggest smile ever. She looked at me confused and went to speak until I pointed to her finger on her left hand. She looked down and freaked out. She sat there looking at the ring with her mouth slightly open. I stepped under the water quickly to rinse off, then wrapped the towel around my body slowly stepping out.

"You okay boo?" I asked softly. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She finished handling her business. After washing her hands she calmly walked out.

Jay Pov

"I'm gone kick yo ass!!" I hear Shea say coming at me with a knife.

"Babe stop! Baby what did I do!?" I asked hopping up out the bed. I don't know what I did.

"You freaking brought me alllll the way out here and marry me this way?!" I stopped running and looked at her confused.

"What? Babe what the hell you talking bout? We ain't fucking married!" Wait, this can be me. I slowly open my eyes to see Shanell standing over Lean with a gun drawn on him. Shit, I closed my eyes back and turned over. I am no witness to anything.

Shanell Pov

I can't believe this child done brought me all this far to marry me this way. He knew I wanted a big wedding, with friends and family. Call me dramatic, but I'm honestly hurt by this.

"If we ain't married, what the hell do you call this!" I yelled showing him my ring finger. His eyes grew wide and his hand covered his mouth. I guess he felt the ring on his finger and looked down at his hand. Slowly a smile crept up on his face.

"Babe, come here" he motioned with his finger. I honestly want to slap the tattoos off this boy. When I got to him he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up at me. "Babe, we both was drunk, but I wouldn't take this back if my life depended on it. I know you wanted to have this big fancy smancy wedding, and we're gonna do that. Wanna know why?" I pouted and shook my head no. "Because you are my wife and you deserve the best. You know there's nothing I wouldn't do to make and keep you happy." Ughhhh I can't stand his ugly ass bruh. How he gone make me smile and change my whole mind.

Shea Pov

Awwwwwww ain't this cute! So happy to see they they are finally married. Hell we all been together since we were like seventeen or eighteen.

"Congratulations mama!!" I yelled and rushed over to her with my arms in the air. I'm pregnant so I can't give too much energy.

"Bruh slow down, you carrying my child! Let there be anything wrong with my babies imma kick yo ass!" Jay said with his back turned to me still laying down. I found somebody's heel and threw it at his back. I hope the heel part cut his back open.

"They my babies too!" I found me some clothes then went into the bathroom to change.

"It could make a fuck!" I heard him yell. I couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully today we're going home. I wasn't expecting things to turn out this way, but I'm not complaining. I wouldn't change anything.

It was a long ass trip back home. Everybody all hungover and miserable. First stop we made was to Meredith house to go get the kids. Hopefully they didn't give her too much of a hard time. When we pulled up we seen a car that we've never seen before. Kush and Knuck looked at the car and frowned. We told them to go ahead and they went to their cars and headed home. Trap and Lean went to the door to get their babies while Shanell went to start their cars. When I got to the door I used my key to let myself in. I heard mama yelling, so I took off towards the noise. Seeing me pick up speed Jay, Lean and Trap took off behind me.

When I made it to the kitchen I seen Meredith with a knife held to somebody's neck and a little girl curled up on the floor crying. What in the hell is going on?

"Ma! What's going on? Get off her!" Jay ran over to help the lady.

"What the fuck is your problem!" She yelled

"Aye! Don't be yelling at my moms. You got me fucked up. Be happy I helped yo stupid ass!" Jay yelled with his gun drawn. I just stood there speechless.

"Who is this old bitch anyway? And why is there a little girl curled up on the floor?" Jay said flinging his gun around.

"Why y'all yelling in mama house? Shanell said walking in with a stank face. When she looked and seen the lady her face dropped. "Oh my God! Oh God!" Shanell walked over and pulled me into her arms.

It was my mom


I deserve a good ass kicking for how long I've been gone. Sorry y'all, but I got a lot going on right now. But now that things are starting to settle down, I'm trying to update more. Please don't give up on me.

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