Normal Day

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I knew I had no time left. I wouldn't get a second chance. This was a matter of loyalty. Romance would play no part in this. I had to make a decision. Now.

"You won't remember anything that has happened this summer" I whispered fervently to him.

"But I want to" he replied. I spread my wings over him, enveloping him in light.

Last Fall

The day I found out I was an angel was my 16th birthday. My mom had just brought in the cake and strawberry pancakes to my bedroom. Her smile was apparent on her pale and weathered face. I tried to smile with just as much enthusiasm. But it was my birthday. Which meant another year without my dad. Only my mother knew how he truly died. I heard rumors sure, but too many strayed far from the truth I was told. Or rather, the story I was told.

"Eat up" she said, "You have a big day today. We're getting your new phone and Ipod today after I come home from work and going out to eat at your favorite restaurant, Palozzi's!" she exclaimed. I smiled at that. It was my favorite place to eat.

"Alright" I replied.

After she left, I got out of bed and headed to the shower. I let the steam envelop my body so I wouldn't feel the sorrow of someone missing in my life. The steam rose and fogged up the mirror. I hummed a soft tune to myself and closed my eyes. When I finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and gingerly stepped out of the shower. But when I shrugged my clothes on, before I could clasp my bra, I saw two pairs of parallel scars that I had not recognized before in my life. I rubbed my eyes, hoping I was imagining this whole thing. But when I opened them again, they were still there, still evident on my otherwise flawless figure. I held back a scream as I got the rest of my clothes on and ran downstairs to the kitchen. By the look on my face, my mother knew something had happened. She had me sit down right away.

"I found these scars!" I informed her, pulling my shirt off to show her. She gazed at them for a second and then ran her fingers down them. Her touch tingled and I heard a rustle of something on my back.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you until tonight." she said.

"Tell me what?" I responded.

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