Chapter 1

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"You cheater you dirty fuckin cheater!"

"Omuhgawd you're so dramatic." I said rolling my eyes. Me and my cousin Courtney were on our fifth race in mario kart which I had won once again. She's such a sore looser. She always does this crybaby shit. I pause the game to go and get some ice cream.

"You want some?" I asked her she nodded in response. I grabbed the jars of talenti ice cream and two spoons for the both of us. I sat down next her handing her a spoon gosh this was so good I looovvee this stuff. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I picked it up to see who it was.

U up?


My roomates out for the weekend u should come thru ;)

Give me 10 minutes


I got up from the couch heading to my room I put on a pair of basketball shrts and uggs. I

"Umm where are you off to this late at night?" Courtney asked me while looking me up and down. Why does she have to be so damn nosey?

"Out." I say blandly

"Out where?" She asks glaring at me.

"Out court damn just know I'll be back in the morning." And with that I left out of the house I didn't mean to blow up on her. Lord knows I hate hiding things from my cousin she's basically my best friend but this is waayy different. By now I was in the car half way to his house I couldn't wait to see my man it's been so long since we've seen each other. I got out the car and looked around to makes sure nobody saw me the I knocked on the door. The door opened and I was quickly pulled in I heard the door shut behind me.

Next thing I know I was attacked by his big juicy lips against mine. I hadn't realized how much I missed his kisses until now. He picked me up carrying into the living room and laying me on the couch. He soon traveled the kisses down my neck and suckiing on my spot making a moan escape from my mouth. I felt his hands slide into my shorts grabbing my ass making me gasp. This was gonna get pretty heated real soon this was not my purpose of coming over here. But I didn't want him to stooopp uuggghhhh.

"Tee." I tried to say in between moans he paid me no attention.

"Tee." I say again attempting to stop him and myself from doing unholy things right now.

"Tee!" I yell lightly shoving him back off of me.

"Damn bae what!" He yelled slightly out of breath.

"We needa talk." I say folding my arms giving him the "look".

"So basically you came all the way ova here got my dick hard and everything so we can talk?" He asked looking at as if I had grown another head.

"Im sorry baby but tonight I just wanna cuddle and chill pleeaassse." I say puttingon my best puppyndog face. This'll make him cave in.

"Aight you betta be lucky you cute and that ass is fat." He said making me laugh. He got up and went upthe stairs to come back down a blanket and a movie. He put in the movie and made himself comfortable on the couch laying with me. We had been watching the movie for about atleast half an hour well he had . I couldn't stop thinking about this yes I love tee with all my heart but, I don't know if I can keep sneaking around like this . I don't wanna be the one to pressure him to come out but its been two whole years.

Me and tee or Terrell met in the 11th grade we hit it off right away. It was just something about him that was intriguing. I was surprised a guy like him would go for me to be quite honest. We had talked for a month before he had asked to be my boyfriend. I knew he was still in the closet I just thought he'd come out over time especially if he hadme for support but, it's been two years now he told me this year was our year. I trust him but at times it does get hard watching girls flirt with him all the time but, I guess it's worth waiting for. I couldn't help but to think what if he leaves me for one of them? What if he decides he doesn't wanna come out? I had the worst case scenarios running rapid in my mind.


"Yeesss."he replied slowly

"When are we gonna be able to go out in public with each other?" I ask turning my body to face him He hesitated before answering I knew he hated when I brought the subject up.

"Bae what did I tell you last time?"he asked sounding irritated I didn't mean to make him mad I new how his temper could be.

"You told me you'll do it when the time is right." I say remembering what he said the last time we had this conversation.

"See so that's your answer."he said ending the conversation I nodded my head feeling defeated.

"Aw mar look I hate this as much as you do but I have so much going for me if people found out I was bi I'd end a lot of opportunities for me and my dancing." He was right to be honest but I just wanted people to know that he is mine and only mine.

"Now gimme some suga." He said turning my head towards him giving me a few pecks on the lip.

"You know I love you right." He asked looking at me with his pretty dreamy hazel eyes.

"Yes baby and I love you too." I said we both turned our attention back to the movie making me tutn back to my thoughts. I love this man with all my heart but I'm not sure how long I can do this.
Yayyee!this is the first chapter of my new book

I hope u guys like this one as much as my first one

Please comment I love getting ur opinions

There is more to come soon ;)

Love u guys xoxo

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