Chapter 19

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    It had only been a whole two weeks since Jamil had moved in with us and in those two weeks there have been 982,3457214 accounts where I have literally wanted to kill him. He had broken at least three out of five of my rules. I had tried to ignore it letting little things slide here and there , but now this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Courtney of course being the naive pregnant girl she is went oblivious to his mess ups. She practically worshipped the ground he walked on. Every two seconds she was either eating or talking about her "man". God I wish I could just slap some sense into her. I walked in the kitchen heading straight towards the refrigerator looking for my leftovers from the previous night. Hollup. I cant find it. I frantically searched for the Styrofoam box but I still couldn't find it. I searched around the kitchen before my eyes landed on my empty to go box on the counter. Ok yep. That's it. I'm burning down the house.

"Jamiiiiilllll!" I screamed walking into the den to see him with his feet propped up on the coffee table whilr he watched the game.

"Yes?" He answered with a attitude.

"Did you eat my left overs?" I  asked waving the box in his face.

"I might have." He said nonchalantly. I'm gonna kill him.

"Well you might just get an ass whoopin if you eat my shit again." I retorted.

"Tuh yeah right." He laughed to himself. This nigga.

"Don't test me because you won't like the outcome." I threatened.

"And if I do?" He questioned standing up making him tower over me. I didn't have time for a response before he answered his own question.

"Exactly." He said smirking in my face. I hughed in frustration.

"I know exactly what your problem is." He stated licking his lips.

"And what exactly is that?" I asked arching my brow.

"You're jealous of me and Courtney." He said like he had found the cure to cancer.

"Boy get the full fuck outta my face with that bullshit I have a nigga there's nothing to be jealous of. " I retorted.

"Well from that attitude problem you got he ain't hittin it right ."


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Excuse me?" This dude has really lost his mind.

"You heard me." He said lowering his voice stepping closer to me. I could feel him starring into my soul. It's like I was in some sort of daze. No matter how much I knew I wanted to move my body wouldn't let me move.

"Nah nevamind you ain't ready." He smirked snapping me out of my trance. I sucked my teeth in response.

"You know what just don't eat my shit any more and keep ya damn feet off the coffee table." I nagged quickly walking away from the tense environment. I got to my room and picked up my phone. I was tempted to call Courtney but she was at work and I didn't want to stress her out with these shenanigans. I couldn't tell Eli cus he'd probably Crack the poor boys skull in half. Ugh. Can I ever catch a break?
"Eat my dust!" I screamed.

I  had just beat Eli in our third round of  mario kart. Me being the surperior driver I am won again. I stuck out at him childishly. He just rolled his eyes in response. I had been here for at least half the day it was beginning to feel like a second home to me. I just felt more comfortable being with Eli. Especially with the way things were going at home. I just needed to get a break for awhile.

"I'm in the mood for chocolate." I spurted randomly. I saw Eli send me a suggestive smile. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I meant the good kind." I teased patting his chest before walking into the kitchen to look for something to satisfy my craving.

"Ha ha ha very funny." He said sarcastically. I finally found a container of talenti ice cream in his freezer. I almost jumped out of joy. I quickly got a spoon opening the container practically devouring it. I looked up to see Eli starring at me. He's always starring at me while eat. Creep.

"Can I help you?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah you could by slowing down before you choke." He answered. I  stuck my tongue out at him before going bavk to eating.

"Are you ok?" He asked starring at me in concern.

"Umm yes why wouldn't I be?"

"Well your eating more than you usually do and you've barely talk to me since you got here all we've done is play Mario kart." It took me by surprise that he paid attention to me that much. I do tend to stress eat like a lot especially when somethings on my mind. I didn't really have anything to say in response.

"So are we gonna talk about it?" I didn't like keeping secrets from people. Especially with somebody I'm in a relationship with it's just not healthy. I wantrd to tell Eli about what happened with Terrell the other and the situation with Jamil but I wasn't sure how he'd react. I was at a mental crossroads I either tell him and wit for his reaction or I don't tell him and carry the burden of keeping secrets from him. Yikes. Neither one of these have good out comes. I was pulled from my decision making by Eli snapping in my face.

"Earth to Lamar!"

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"It's nothing." I answered averting my gaze away from his dough broen eyes.

"Lamar." I could tell he wasn't buying it. He got up from his seat on the couch so he could get closer to me. He turned my head around using his thumb and index finger.

"You know you can talk to me about sny and everything that's on your mind?" I slowly nodded my head. He was expectingme to let him know what was bothering me but in all honsety it wasn't him that couldn't handle it , it was me.
Sorry for delay a terribly good procrastinater

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