Chapter 22

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          My heart raced just as fast as my car did. I was rushing home because I knew for a fact thats exactly where Eli was on his way to. I didn't know he'd react like that I mean I didn't expect him to be fine with anotha nigga hiting on me but I certainly think he'd storm out the damn restaurant. But in a way it was kinda hot I mean obviously he cares about especially enough to act out like that.

   Before I knew it I was infront of my house. I quickly rushed to the door realizing it was already unlocked I heard screaming coming from the other side of the door. Oh gawd. I swing the door open to see Eli throw a blow straight to Jamil's jaw causing him to fall on flat on his back. I stood there my mouth practically on the floor. Eli quickly jumped on top of him throwing punch after punch to his face.

"Stoooppp!" I heard Courtney scream from the other side of the room. I hadn't noticer her till now. Her eyes full of confusion.

"What the fuck is going on?" She asked getting impatient especially in her emotional state all this stress wasn't good for her to be around. I ignored her question and attempted to pull Eli sway from Jamil which at this point was impossible. I pulled his arms back trying to restrain him from throwing anymore puches at the already brutally beaten boy. I was effortlessly tossed to the side. What was this nigga on? I got up from my position on the floor trying my best to stop him again this time using all my strength.

"Elijah stop!" I yelled making his hits come to a halt. He starred into my eyes I could still see the hint of rage that layed within them. I placed my hand on the side of his cheek using my thumb to graze a bruise that was slowly forming.

"So nobody's gonna answer my fucking question?!" Courtney asked tending to Jamil who laid barely concious on the floor.

"Ask your baby daddy." Eli spat still sending him death glares.

"And exactly what do I need to ask him?" She asked looking for a answer from one of us. I was dreading having to tell her what's really going on that's half the reason I kept it to myself. I just thought I had everything under control and could handle the situation by myself.

"Ask him why the fuck he was making passes at your cousin." Eli blurted out. I wsnted to curse him out but the truth was bound to come out some day.

"What?.. Lamar what is he talking about?"


"Look Court I was gonna tell you but I was just afraid of how you'd react and-"

"He's lying." Jamil cut me off in a raspy voice.

"You can shut the fuck up!" Eli shouted raising his fist I swiftly grabbed his arm keeping him from swinging.

"Are you  serious Lamar!?" Her face frowned up.

"Excuse me?" I asked taken back by her tone.

"Its always something with you I swear you always have to one up me in everything I do like what the fuck I can't even enjoy my own pregnancy somehow everything has to be about you."

Once again my mouth hit the floor but I think this time it shattered. That's really how she felt about me? Did she really think I was such a melicous person? Out of all people I'd never think my cousin would feel like this about me. All I could do was stare at her this wasn't my cousin not the one I knew from my childhood. I could honestly say I didn't know who I was looking at.

I was snapped out of my gaze by Eli's hand pulling me up. I slowly walked to the door I caught a quick glance of her face before I left. I got in Eli's car and sat there starring straight ahead I don't know what it was but in that moment something hit me it mightve been all the emotions I had been holding in for years but all I felt was tear after tear cascade down my face each releasing the hurt that had been bottled up inside. I felt a familiar pair of hands pulling me into his lap letting his chin sit on top of my head.

"Shh it'll be ok." He whispered into my ear rubbing circles on my back.

Will it really be ok?
I dont know how feel about this chapter :/

Let me know in the comments and dont forget to vote thanks ❤

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