Chapter 15

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      I was awakened by the sunlight peeking through the oh so familiar satin curtains. I heard light snoring above me I look up to see Eli sound asleep his arm wrapped securely around my waist. I peeked underneath the sheets noticing both of our naked bodies. I couldn't help but to blush. He looked so stunning even in his sleep his body seemed to glow under the sunlight making him look even more godly. I layed my head on his broad chest listening for his heart beat. I could lay here all day if I wanted just laying with him was enough for me. My thoughts were interrupted by a yawn and a groggy voice.

"Well good morning sunshine I greeted looking up at him.

"Good morning. "

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Like a baby. What about you?"

"I slept good , but I can barely feel my legs." I admitted. To be quite honest I wasn't sure if I coukd make it through the rest of the day without limping every I went.

"I got it like?damn." He said smirking down at me.

"I mean it was aight." I teased.

"Oh really? Says the one that was like "daddy don't stop!" He mimicked me from last night.

"Let's not get twisted mister I wasn't the only one moaning last night." I quickly retorted.

"Touché." He said tilting his head to the side. We layed there for awhile just enjoying each others company. Soon after I attempted to get out bed before almost busting my ass. I heard Eli snickering from behind me. I flicked him off before carefully trudging into the bathroom. I quickly went to the brushed my teeth and washed my face. I did a quick pit check. Ew. I smelled like sex and sin. I needed to go home and take a shower Pronto. I left the bathroom walking back into the bedroom to gather my clothes scattered across the floor. I heard the fire alarm in the kitchen I quickly dropped my clothes and ran into the kitchen.

"Eli?! What happened!?" I asked concerned.

"I was cooking and then the thingy went boom and the other thingy went peewww." I stood there buffled by his reinterpretation of the scene.

"Soo when did we become chef boyardee?" I teased.

" I wanted to make you pancakes." He answered. Aww. He's so adorable.

"Well you tried your best and that's all that matters." I say giving him a pec before cleaning the mini disaster in the kitchen.

"So ihop it is." He joked.

"Yeah I think that's the safer option."

    After my breakfast with Eli I went home. We had planned another date later this week. I walked in hearing yelling coming from the den. I sped my way over to see Courtney yelling at the TV. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

"Really bitch?" She jumped at the sound of my voice.

"You scared the fuck out of me you dick!" She exclaimed hitting my arm.

"Well we are what we eat." I retorted back with a smirk.

"Oop." She said with her mouth in a o shape.

"Speaking of dick where were you last night sir?" She asked.

"I was out minding my damn business just like you should be." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Hmmmm are you sure you weren't in? Like in someone's bed while they were in your guts?" I bout choked on air from her comment.

"Maybe....maybe not." I mumbled.

"You bitch! You got some pipe last night didn't you?" She asked her eyes growing wide as saucers.

"Yessss." I said sheepishly.

"You betta spilllll every last detail you frisky ho." I rolled my eyes at her overly dramatic antics. I told her about are date and everything that happenedand when I  say everything I mean EVERYTHING. That girl was not playing when she said she wanted details. I finished the story and she just sat their with her mouth open.
"Wooowww my cousins a slut." She stated like it was a proven fact.

" I am not." I said hit her arm.

"Don't act like you haven't gotten frisky before."

"Well obviously I have just not like you. You make me wanna step my game up." She laughed at herself. Ah kee kee my ass. We were talking for a while basically just catching up since I was barely home we never really had time talk about anything.

"I have some great news." She squealed out excitingly. I raised my eyebrows signaling her to keep going.

"Welll you know how I was wondering who the baby's father was?" I nodded my head in response.

"Well I found him and got in contact with him and he said he would be there for his child. I was extatatic to see Courtney finally getting her shit together.

"Yass that's great!" I exclaimed almost jumping off the couch.

"Buuuttt, there's a catch." She murmed.

" She murmed

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"Oh gawd." What now?

"He needs a place to stay and I thought since we have a extra room and it'd make sense for him to be around when the baby comes that he could live here."

Yep, I'm convinced. She's lost it. The bitch has really lost her mind. I'm really tempted to help her find it.

"Are you kidding me!?"

"Look mar I  know it sounds crazy but I'm just doin what's best for me and my child." All I could do was think. How many years would I get for strangling a pregnant girl?

"If it makes you feel any better I wanted to go on a double date sometime next week." She said with pleading eyes. I tried everything in my power to say no. My body had other plans. I just nodded my head lettingher know I was going to go.

"Thanks mar I love you so much." She exclaimed kissing my cheek.

 She's lucky I love her so so so lucky

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She's lucky I love her so so so lucky.

Hope you guys liked this chapter it actually feels good uploading one chapter after another

Im on a roll

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