Chapter 3

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I woke up to the screeching of my alarm I quickly turned it off getting annoyed by the sound . God I hate Mondays. I dragged myself out of my bed and into my bathroom doing my daily routine. I came out of the bathroom I immediately pick up my phone checking the time and expecting my usual good morning text from Terrell. But I didn't have any new messages I found it odd that he hadn't talked to me since Saturday. I guess he's just been busy with his singing and dancing yeah that's probably it he probably just forgot. I quickly made my way downstairs realizing Courtney had already left for work I wasn't really in the mood to eat so I just grabbed a water bottle and left.

I was currently in my businesse/marketing class I could barely pay any attention to what my professor was saying. I couldn't get my mind off the fact that Terrell hasn't texted me all day at all. I'm not use to not talking to him for this long I was attempting to text him but I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket as Ms.Yan came by scoping each and every student's paper. I tried to focus back on my work and not worry about Terrell this isthe last thing I need on my mind right now.

I made my way straight home after all my classes. I open the door slowly trudging my way up the stairs I get to my room take my shoes off and dive directly into my bed letting the sheets swallow me in warmth. Gosh this felt so good I was slowly slipping into my nap when of course it had to be interrupted.

"Get up bitch!" Courtney yelled snatching the blankets off of me making me whimper missing their warmth.

"What do you want?" I said in irritation.

"Can go to the mall with me?" She asked getting manners all of a sudden.

"Why can't you go by yourself?" I asked still upset.

"Cuz it's not as fun by myself pweeaassee mar mar!"she whined using my childhood nickname.

"Uugh ok just let me get ready." I grumbled

"Aww thanks cuz." She exclaimed kissing me on the cheek.

"Eww get your cooties off of me!" I yelled playfully she laughed and made her way down the steps I put my shoes on and made my way down stairs. Of course she was already in the car I walked out
Of the house locking the door behind me. I get in the car still a little cranky from my daily nap cancelation
I checked my phone for any new messages specifically Terrell. I finally put my pride aside and text him. I waited for a reply but it had been a good fifteen minutes. I was kinda disappointed before I knew it we were in the mall parking lot.

"You ok?" Courtney asked me I nodded my head in response. We walked our way into the mall welll at least I walked as for Courtney who sprinted towards forever 21. I shook my head slowly walking in behind her I honestly loved this store it was one of my favorite places to shop. I looked in the men's section for a while not really seeing anything. I make my way through the crowded store searching for my cousin I thought I had spotted her until "oomff!" I had ran into something or well apparently someone. He helped me up
off the floor I quickly apologized still in search for Courtney. I finally found her holding half the stores inventory on her hands.

"Well damn are you gonna buy the mannequins too?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny." She responded rolling her eyes at me.

"Anywayy if you need me I'll be at the food court." I said proceeding to leave the store.

"Wait can you help me take this stuff to the register?" I looked at her as if she was joking and sadly she wasn't.

"Uggghh you better be lucky I love you." I said cutting my eyes at her.

"Thanks hunty." She said flipping her hair and blowing me a kiss she's such a damn diva. I struggled getting to the register at the front of the store. We had finally made it through the long line of people and got to the register. I was scrolling down my instagram when I nudgedin the arm by Courtney.

"Ow what!"I yelped looking up from my phone I look up to see a tall dark and handsome man standing across from me he sure was a looker. I couldn't help but to stare it was like a chocolate god standing over me. I was surprised Courtney paid for her things with out trying to hit on the guy.

"Hey ya gotta girlfriend?" Of course spoke to soon.

"No actually I don't." His voice was so deep and gruff.

"What is a hot piece of man like you doing single?" She asked leaned on the counter getting closer to him.

"Well I've just never found the right guy I guess." He replied staring towards me I quickly shifted my eyes around looking for something to look at but him.

"Wait your gay?" Courtney asked with a mischievous look on her face. Oh gawwd here we go.

"Well my cousin also likes ding a ling maybe you guys could ya know get acquainted. " she said lookinh at me through the corner of her eye.

"I think I'd enjoy that." He said staring me down like a piece of meat.

"Ok look if you need me I'll be at the food court." I said quickly grabbing the bags and leaving the store. I made my way to the food court looking into each different store as I passed by. I walked by one store when something caught my eye. I look int the store window to see Terrell which was odd to me. His attention seemed to be turned towards the tennis shoes on the wall . I was about wakk in the store when a girl comes and wraps her arms around his waist he turned around smiling at her before giving her a passionate kiss. I was apalled I just stood there with no words. Just the sound of my heart breaking .

Sorrry for the wait

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Courtney in the mm

Not The OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora