Chapter 21

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   "Baby come oonn you can't still be mad at me?" I whined louldy in the back booth of IHOP.
           Since Eli and I hadn't seen each other in awhile we decided to have a brunch date at his  favorite restaurant. I was happy to see my man in all honesty I didn't know a week away from him would feel like a eternity. I'm pretty sure he was happy to see me too but his facial expressions werent conveying it at the moment. I kept asking what was wrong and he wouldn't answer he just sat there lookin at me and shaking his head. Last time I checked it was my job to catch the attitudes and for him to figure out what he did wrong not the other way around.

"Can you just stop being so childish and tell me whats wrong?" I asked loosing patience. This is only fun when I do it.

"My problem is that you barely have any clothes on." He grumbled looking at me then turning away. Is this nigga serious? He's upset because of my damn outfit.

 Is this nigga serious? He's upset because of my damn outfit

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"Are you foreal?" I asked trying to hold in my laugh. I found it cute that he was so concerned on what I wore.

"You know forget." He grumbled again this time leaving the table. I quickly got up after him pulling his arm towards me.

"Ok ok goddammit... you win." I surrendered rolling my eyes. I saw a smirk form on his face triggering me to roll my eyes again.

"You're sucha drama queen." I tease sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well it takes one to know one." He responded giving me a fake smile.

"And besides I don't want anyone else looking at you like I do."

"And if they did?" I asked raising my brow in curiosity.

"I'd cut their balls of and staple them to their forehead like a unicorn." He said without a hint of humor in his voice.

"Oh wow a testicorn I'm both terrified and aroused."

"Why would you ask something like that in the first place?" He asked laying his menu down on the table leaning in closer.

"Um no reason no reason at all." I said lifting up my menu so he couldnt observe how much of a nervous wreck I was.

"Laamaaaarr is there something I need to know?" He asked trying to peak over my menu.

"No there certainly is not." I cackled uncontrollably. Fuck he's on to me.

"If you don't tell me what's going on right now I will take you into this bathroom and fuc-." He was cut off by the preppy blonde waitress standing in front of us. Woo! She took our drinks and our orders and eith that she left but not before complementing my outfit. I proudly thanked her basically shoving it in Eli's face.

"That means nothing you're still not wearing that or anything like that out the house again."

"You're a real party pooper a little fishnets never hurt anyone." I said lifting my leg over the table stroking it seductively.

"If your goal is to piss me off you're doin a damn good job of because I'm 2.5 seconds from jumping across this table and choking you.

"Oh Eli tsk tsk tsk you can't threaten me with a good time." I say with a wink.

"You're a mess." He said chuckling at me. I loved it when I'd make him laugh.

"But I'm your mess. I say batting my eyelashes.

"Cant argue with that logic."

Before we knew it the waitress was back with our food and drinks. I felt like I hadn't eaten in years. The rest of the night was filled with the scrapping of forks on plates and a few burps from both sides of the table. I was stuffed. I felt like my stomach was sitting in my lap. We at each other bellies full of food and eyes full ot love. Soon the waitress came back to get our plates and give us the check. I was willing to split the bill half and half but Eli being the gentleman he is insisted he "had it".

We made our way to the parking lot where he started to interrogate me about earlier. I just kept trying to ignore him but obviously he wasn't giving up that easily.

"So who's been looking at you?"

"Omgg no one it was just a joke bae chill." I tried to reassure him.

"I know when you're joking and that wasn't it." He deadpanned.

"You're taking this waaayyy outta proportion buddy."

"I beg to differ I know somethings up so you either tell me now or I find out on my own." Gosh this man will not drop this.

"Look it's not even that big of a deal." And that is where I fucked up.

"So I was right? Who is he?". He asked nostrils flairing and all.

"Nobody important. " I answered. That made it even worse.

"Lamar I swear to god if you don't tell me right now I'm gonna lose it." He said camly backing me up against my car practically hovering over me. Should I be turned on right now? My genitaks have the worst timing I swear.

"See what had happened was Jamil might of kinda sorta made a few teeny tiny passes at me." I finlly admit sweating bullets.

"Your cousin's baby daddy?!" He asked in confusion. I just nodded in response. He slowly backed away from me and walked to his car. He quickly drove off with out any words. Not to long after I got a message on my phone.


I couldnt help but to roll my eyes as I got in my car

Why me?
Im really sorry sbout the delay ive been goin through so much these past months i hope u guys can find it in your heart to forgive me 😢

But im officially back and will not be taking a break like this again i promise

This chapter tho was it good idk I've been off for awhile let me know in the comments and dont forget to vote thanks guys❤

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