Chapter 7

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   At this point all I could do was pray for some sort of sign or occurrence. Something that would tell me if I'm making the right decision or not. We were already in the car heading to his house I sat there thinking should I really be doing this? Should I take this chance again ? Should I give him another chance? I just looked out the window drowning myself in my thoughts going deeper and deeper into them by the minute. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the stopping of the car I realized we were at a gas station not to far from his house. He unbuckled his seat belt before leaving out of the car he asked me if I wanted anything before he went in I politely said no thank you. I was sitting in his car waiting for him to return I heard a ring coming from his seat I realized it was his phone I leaned over the arm rest separating the seats I know I was being a little nosey but eh who cares? The contact name was the most intriguing thing to me it was capital S with heart eyes the peach AND the squirt emoji. Being the great investigator that I am Itook the liberty of picking up the phone for him I wouldn't want him to miss such an important phone call.

"Hello t?" I just stayed quiet listening to her rambling.

"Baby where are you I miss you are you still coming over after that lil party?" I wanted to say no the fuck hes not but that'd blow my cover.

"Baby I know things have been rocky lately but we promised that we wouldn't  give up on each other and I know you miss me as much as I miss you." To be quite honest I felt sorry for the girl she completely oblivious to what he was doing behind her back I heard all the emotion in her voice she reminded me of myself  so vulnerable and sprung over this man that your madly in love with.

"Hello? Baby?" With that I hung up at this point I was done matter fact I was beyond done  why keep hurting the people that care for you the most? When will this cycle end? I swear he just doesn't get it. By this time he was making his way back to the car I carefully put his phone back and stayed silent. He started up his car and he was on his way towards his house. In all honesty I really didn't want to go anywhere with him I barely wanted to hear him breathe.

"Babe you alright?" I thought about that question am I ok? To be quiet honest I'm not ok not all. I tried my best to hold in my emotions shit happens.

"Terrell can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah bae wassup?"he turned his attention toward me trying to focuson the rode at the same time.

"Why do you enjoy hurting me?"

"Huh?" He frowned his face in confusion. "What are talkin about"?

"Why do you enjoy hurting me? Do get some joy out of it?"

"No I don't and what are you talking about?

"Well why do the things you do? Huh? Why not just tell me the truth?"

"Lamar look what are talkin about? You're starting to piss me off."

"Hmm ok cool how bout you ask Saje what I'm talking about?"

Silence. All I heard was the passing cars as we made it down the road. At this point I knew it wa s really over I was done. Done with everything the lying, the cheating, the depression I was just done with everything.

"Stop the car." I said my voice emotionless.


"I said stop the car." I wanted to get as away from him as I could. He finally gave in and stopped the car at a near by gas station. I slammed the car door shut secretly wishing I broke it. He stayed there looking at me through the rear view mirror. I went into the gas station and waited for him to leave it took him a good 30 minutes to finally drive off. It had finally hit me he was gone I didn't know how to feel about it. It hurt but I was relieved I wasn't exactly happy nor sad but it still had an affect on me.

Thirty minutes had passed since I'd gotten out the car by now I had bought a six oack of wine coolers and they were starting to kick in . I was getting a bit tired with a hint of tipsy so I had to go home so I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts with partially decent vision so I just clicked on the name clearest to my vision. Before I knew it I was sitting outside of the empty gas station. Empty. I seemed to relate to that word more than I should. That's all I felt was emptiness. That's all I could feel at the moment. After sitting there for a good fifteen to twenty minutes I started on my way home even though I didn't know shit about my surroundings it was worth a try. I walked and walked watching cars pass me by i kept myself occupied by counting each one by color. During oh so interesting game a car pulled over and rolled the window down. I was tempted to make a run for but eh that's to much exercise.

"Lamar?" It was a deep familiar voice that brought me relief that it wasn't a serial killer . I went closer leaning on the passenger door.

"Helloo there Elijah." I murmed barely finishing the sentence.

"You ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yes perfectly fine i am." I said with a burp.

"You're drunk."

"Am not."

"How many states are there?" ? .Shit.

"Um a lot." He laughed at my answer he stepped out of the driver's side and opened the passenger side letting me slump in the seat. I didn't feel apprehensive around Elijah I felt like I could trust him well at least I hope I could.

Sorry the delay is terrible I feel bad for taking so long :(

Im gonna start back on this book for the people that like it

Dont give uo on me guys thanks for the love and votes

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