Chapter 12

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   Back when me and Tee were dating we use to always go on dates. Wether it was a picnic at the park or a day at the fair no matter where we went it was always the highlight of my day. It seemed like he always knew where I wanted to go like he could read my mind. It seemed quite easy. But of course when you're the one planning the date that all changes. I was beyooond stuck. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I've never actually taken someone on a date so this was obviously new to me. I had a bunch of ideas on where to take Eli but I figured he wouldn't enjoy going. I kept coming up with worse case scenarios in my head. "Uugghhh."I let out the loudest groan of the century.

"Why and the hell do you sound like you're trying to mate with a humpback whale?" Courtney asked peeking her head in my room.

"Go awaaayy." I groaned waving my hand shooing her away.

"No. I wanna help what's wrong?" She came and sat down next to me on my bed. I just let out a exhausted sigh.

"I don't know where to take Eli for our date."

"Wait isn't Eli the tall dark snack from the mall?" She asked her eyes growing in curiosity.

"Yes that is he." I answered rolling my eyes.

"Oh my gaawwwddd that boy is scrumiddlyumptious." She stated biting her lips and closing her eyes. I'm about to puke.

"Can we get back on topic?" I nudged her taking her out of the "fantasy" going on in her head.

"Oh yeah my bad. What were we talking about again?"

"We were discussing about where I should take Eli on our date."

"Well to figure out where he'd like to go just think about things that intetest him." She had a point. I knew what he liked I just had to pick out s place that incorporated his interest.

"Notta bad idea."

"I know I never have bad ideas silly." She said before petting me like a dog and leaving my room. She irritates my soul but she does give good advice depending on the situation. Now I knew exactly where I wanted to take him. I think. Oh well it was worth the shot.

"Can you stop worrying you look cute as fuck." Courtney reassured me about my make up sitting on the bathroom counter.

"My brows are unevennnn." I whined taking my brow pomade making adjustments.

"No they're not and remember your eyebrows are sisters not twins." Who came up with that dumb shit?

"I guess. I need to get going before I'm late." I left the bathroom walking into my room to do one last outfit check. I had changed my outfit about four times before finally sticking with the first one. I dont know why but I was just so nervous. I needed everything to go as planned. I made my way down the stairs grabbing my keys on the way out of the house. I buckled my seat belt and started my car. I turned on the radio to calm my nerves. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't know what about Eli makes my stomach do back flips but for some odd reason I liked it. I missed the feeling of  butterflies in my stomach every time I saw someone.

Before I knew it I was outside of his apartment complex. I got out of the car walking up the steps to his door. I quickly knocked and waited for him to open the door. Of course it didn't take long before eye was met with those same comforting brown eyes.

"Well don't you look nice." I complemented him on his appearance. He wore a dark red polo shirt with black jeans and red Jordan's.

"Just nice? I'm hurt." He said sarcastically placing his habd on his heart.

"Nope nevamind I take it back." I teased.

"Come onnn stop playinn." He whined like a big baby.

"You're the one that's playing."

"Whatever anywaysssss where are we going on this date?" He asked arching his brow in curiosity.

"That is for me to know and you to find out later." I answered with a smile.

"Ughh you're to cute to be this difficult."

"Well everything in life has a catch. Now come on and stop whining." I walked out of his apartment and not to long he followed after me.

"Are you sure you can't tell me where we're going? "

"Yep, that is classified info my friend."

"You're no fun." He pouted in the passenger seat. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at his child like gestures.

"You won't be saying that later." I murmed earning a curious look from him. I just starred straight ahead. The car ride wasn't  as long as I thought it was. It mostly consisted of Eli asking questions every other minute and me turning up the radio to drown him out which basically backfired it only made him talk louder.

"We're here." I stated parking the car in the parking lot.

"Where exactly is here?" He asked trying to scope out his surroundings.

"Why don't you get out of the car and come see?" I teased getting out the car.

"Good idea." He followed me towards the building. We both both made our way inside.

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Eli in the media isn't he just gorgeous?

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