Unexpected Meetings

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Jessie's POV

I couldn't help but stare in utter shock. It was him. The guy that found me last night. How could het have found me? This couldn't have been just a coincidence. . .

I snap out of my mind to see the boy holding his hand out to me. I take it, still in a bit of a trance. Why did he always have to do this to me?

Everything okay, dear? I hear at the back of my mind, or did he say it? I'm not sure. I'm paying too much attention to his eyes. . . They look like as if they're changing colors.

"Uh, yeah," I manage to stutter, "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

He smiles a little, as if he is enjoying my being flustered. What is it with this guy?

"No, I'm sorry, beautiful. I was looking for someone. Maybe you've seen her. . . She's about yay tall," he says, putting his hand beside the top of my head, "and has the most beautiful blue eyes with light brown hair, and the most perfect lips to kiss," he continues, smirking a little.

I can't control the blush rising on my cheeks. How is it that he knows the most perfect things to say to me? I look down to avoid the embarrassment.

"I met her last night at the Parthenon, you see? I really liked her, but I don't believe I got her name," he presses.

"J-Jessie. My name is Jessie," I respond.

"Jessie. Short for Jessica, I presume." He takes my hand and kisses it. "It was lovely meeting you last night, Jessica. My name is Mike. If you aren't busy, would you accompany me to the coffee shop just down the street. . . as an apology for knocking you down?"

I consider this for a moment. Maybe he isn't so bad. I do have a bunch of questions for him. Like how in the world he keeps talking into my head, or why he is talking so weird. So medieval.

"Sure," I finally say, looking into his changing eyes. "As long as you're paying."

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