Getting Started

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Jessie's POV

This palace may be in the Underworld, but how can Persephone live here and not redecorate?

Hades and I walk to a very large, dark room with a single light shining onto a chair. "Jessica," he interrupts my thoughts, "would you please take a seat?"

"Not until you tell me what's happening," I reply stubbornly.

"This power will not kill my brother, but it will incapacitate him until we figure things out. The power is only given by reliving your worst memories, and by forgetting the person you love the most. To be honest, I thought it would have been Percy Jackson or Annabeth Chase, or even my own son, that would have to go through this. However, your pain seems to be a lot stronger than theirs, which is quite surprising."

"Now, hold up. I know they have been through a lot, but that does not mean you can just belittle my feelings," I nearly yell.

The room may be almost pitch black, but I can tell he rolled his eyes. "Yes. My apologies. Would you sit down now," he commands in a bored tone.

I sigh and sit in the chair.

"Considering I am no god of love, I will have to call in a favor. I will be back shortly."

"Um, okay," I reply awkwardly, and I can feel that he has left the room.

While I am alone, I begin to worry about the others. Nico is okay, and he will keep the others safe, right? Gods, I hope so.

"Hello, Jessica."

I nearly jump out of the chair at the sound of a woman's voice. I can hear her laugh and say, "Calm down, dear. It is only me."

The woman steps into the low lighting, her features never staying the same.

"Aphrodite." I mutter, "Great."

Just then, Hades walks back in with a smug smile of his face. What is he smiling about?

"She we get started?" He asks.

Aphrodite giggles, which makes me want to throw up a little, and says, "This is going to be so much fun."

Nico's POV

"Percy," I say, annoyed, "if you keep pacing, you will wear holes into the ground."

He stops for a second, then starts at it again.

Annabeth walks over to him, stopping him in his tracks. She whispers a few words and it calms him down. Finally.

We have been stuck in this one room for what feels like forever. It's probably because we are all worried. Some more than others.

Percy has been pacing or yelling out threats since she left. Mike and I have been sitting next to each other quietly. Annabeth has been leaning against the wall and partially restraining Percy.

"She can handle herself, Percy," Annabeth says.

"She couldn't handle whatever Hades did to her earlier. We all heard the cries and screams."

I finally get up, and walk over to him, having to fight the urge to slap him upside the head when I got to him. "Jess was having to relive her worst memories. I'm sure you would be like that too. Stop thinking she is incapable of handling things herself. It's not like she's so much younger than you. You two are the same age for gods' sakes."

Percy seems to be at a loss for words.

The doors on the far side of the room open, drawing everybody's attention. Jess walks through the doors with Hades right behind her.

Mike stands up and holds his arms out for a hug, but she runs right passed him and hugs me.

I hug her back tightly, but I notice Mike's confused face. Jess looks absolutely unfazed. Shit. I know exactly what's happened.

She lets go and hugs Percy then Annabeth. Mike still looks befuddled, and I walk over to him. Poor guy.

"Mike, this is a really confusing thing that has happened. Basically, Jess has forgotten you to have the power she needed to incapacitate Zeus. It should wear off afterward, but until then, you can't make a scene about it. There really is no point. She can't really see you anyway."

"Woah, what? You mean to tell me that she can't see or remember me? And for power? Are you kidding me right now?"

"I am so sorry. If I could have gone in her place, I would have, but the person doesn't choose the power. The power chooses the person. Sacrifices had to be made."

Mike's eyes turn cold. He looks like he might cry, bang his head against the wall, or beat my dad with just his fists. Then, he turns away from me and walks in the direction of the throne room.

Now, I'm not a feely kind of person. In fact, I pushed back my feelings for years. Damn you, Will. This is all your fault. However, I don't think I could handle something like this.

"This will all be worth it," I whisper to myself.
This is a short chapter. I am so sorry. But I hope you guys like it. I really like writing this book, but it would be amazing if I got feedback to make sure you guys like it as well.

Just remember to Vote, Comment, and Share.

Thinking I might start asking a few questions in these author's notes.

What do you think will happen between Jessie and Mike? And what about Nico's dream of an evilish Jessie? What happened to Prometheus? What happened to the others if (and when) they got back to Camp?

Anydoodle, Love you guys,


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