Coffee Date

29 1 0

Jessie's POV

After standing in line for what seemed to be forever, we finally got our drinks and grabbed a seat. We sit at a small table by a window. As I look around the room, like I always do, I feel a little self-conscious. That's when I realize that he is staring at me.

Mike. What am I going to do with this guy? What are the odds of me running into him. . . literally?

"Can I help you with something," I ask, more rude than I meant to be.

"What do you mean?" He smiles, but it is quickly replaced with a smirk. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I am so tired of guys like him. I can tell every minute I'm with him that he is obviously a popular bad boy type. The thing that I don't understand is the knowledge of Greek gods. Not many people really show much interest in it, besides me and the entirety of the Percy Jackson fandom.

I sigh, "You keep staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable."

"You're just beautiful. Is it a crime to gaze upon a beautiful girl, such as yourself?"

He's really laying this on thick, isn't he? I take a deep breath to try and keep my blush under control. What is it with this guy and making me blush? It's like this is the first time I've been hit on; which it isn't, by the way.

I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. I just wish I was back at The Parthenon. It was always so safe for me there. Now, I don't even know if I could go there again without reliving the memories of Mike and I meeting.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Mike snapping in front of my face. I shake my head a little to rid the thoughts. "What," I mumble.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"No. I was just thinking of how typical you are. Tell me, do you go to all sorts of landmarks to just pick up girls, or was I just a special case?"

Mike seems a little taken aback by my question. I smile to myself, knowing that I got him now. He then relaxes against the chair and says, "I was already at The Parthenon. I was supposed to be meeting somebody there, but she never showed. Then I saw you just sitting on the floor, looking up at Lady Athena so intently. I couldn't help but think that you were so beautiful, not because of your looks, but because of how I could see the little gears in your head turning, like you were trying to figure something out."

I clench my jaw to keep my mouth from dropping open. He was right. I was there to figure things out. That's the reason why I go there. My most recent crisis is the predicament that my life has been a whole lie. I just found out that I was adopted, but Mike couldn't know that. . . could he?



Mary: Okay you guys, so I am about to take a very unexpected turn in this and I am seriously thinking about making this a PJO fanfic... What do you guys think?

Percy: Yes. Yes. Yes!!!

Annabeth: *elbows Percy* Shut up, Seaweed Brain. She wasn't even asking you!

Mary: Anyways, if I turn this into a fanfic, the demigod would obviously be Jessie... so what should her godly parent be? I think I've left the options fairly open. So please just comment your opinions. Am I forgetting anything?

Annabeth: Yes.

Percy: People, do not forget to Vote, Comment, and Share the best story about me-- *Annabeth elbows him again* Us! I meant us!

Mary: *rolls eyes* ANYDOODLE... Thanks guys. Love you all!

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