It Was Just A Story. . .

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Jessie's POV

"You're right. I was trying to figure something out," I say, trying to be as calm as possible.

He raises an eyebrow, leaning in closer as if I am telling him the biggest secret in the world. "Well?" He presses. I sigh, knowing where this is going.

"I, um, well, I found out that I'm adopted. My parents, or the people that adopted me, just didn't tell me until yesterday. They have had me since I was one, and they just decide not to tell me. They just. . . ugh!"

I know I am being a lot more harsh about this than I should be. It's not like I've had such a bad life or that I even remember my real parents. I just don't understand why they would keep this from me. I mean, who adopts a kid and doesn't even bother telling them that the people they think are their parents, aren't? It's ridiculous!

Then again, I guess I could have guessed. I looked nothing like them. They're both blond and are pretty tall. I'm short with light brown hair. I don't act like them either. They're outgoing and would rather be out of the house, whereas my only love is Netflix and Leo Valdez.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, sweetheart," Mike says, pulling me back from my world of thoughts. I look into his eyes. Why does he seem so familiar?

"I'm fine. Really I am." At this point, I don't know if I'm reassuring him or myself.

"Let's go for a walk," he says.

I agree, and we leave after getting a to-go cup for my drink. We walk around in silence for a while. I keep thinking, trying to figure this guy out. Why is he sticking around? I know I wouldn't if a random stranger poured their guts out to me.

"Jessica, I have something big to tell you. . ."

I wait for him to continue, but when he doesn't, I ask, "What is it?"

"You know the Greek gods, right?" I nod. Where was he going with this? "Well, they're real. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena. They're all real. Do you know the Percy Jackson series?" I can only nod again. "Well, it's all real, too. There is a camp called Camp Half Blood. Percy, Annabeth, and everybody else is real--"

"Woah. Hold on. You must be mistaken. This couldn't be real. It was all just a story. Fiction. Make believe."

"I'm telling you, Jessica. It's all real. Let me prove it to you. I will take you to New York."

I shake my head. "You're crazy. You are freaking crazy!"

That's when everything goes black.



Percy: Ooooooooooooh a cliffhanger! What's gonna happen next? MARY!!

Mary: *slaps Percy upside the head* I'm right next to ya, Perce. The readers will just have to find out next time I update.

Annabeth: Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share!

Mary: I am trying hard to leave it up to the readers to decide who her godly parent is, but it seems as though nobody wants to comment. So, please, comment.

Percy: Do it so she can get on with the story! I want to see what will happen!!

Annabeth and Mary: Stop whining!

Mary: Love you guys, and keep reading! Oh, and I might do a cast list. If you have any suggestions, just let me know. Thanks.

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