But He Was Dead!

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I am currently obsessing over the Hamilton Musical, so I will be putting some lyrics in with this chapter.

Remember to Vote, Comment, and Share pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee. I may not update if I keep getting nothing. I'm sorry if you guys think my writing sucks, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Maryjane <3


Jessie's POV

I sit on the bus with the others, looking out the window. They haven't said a word since I killed the Lamia. I start to notice that the sky is getting darker, like a bad storm is coming. My mind flashes back to the night of the stranger in my room. I start snapping my hair tie on my wrist, closing my eyes. When will these stupid flashbacks stop?

A hand touches my wrist, causing my eyes to fly open and stop. I look over to Nico to be met with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay," he asks.

"I'm fine," I lie smoothly. It's my go to lie when I don't want to talk about it.

Nico puts an arm around me and says, "You know you can always talk to me, right?"

I nod then turn my gaze back to the window. Did it get darker within just a few minutes? The bus jerks to a stop, sending everybody into the seat in front of them. We all looked out the front window to see what was going on. I head up to the front of the bus with the others in tow. Opening up the door, we all walk out into the cold.

Disbelief washes over me at what I see. A man lays on the side of the road, dead, with a crow pecking at his liver. I turn in disgust, nearly throwing up. Percy walks over to him and checks the pulse. He motions us over. "He still has a pulse," he whispers when we walk over.

"He can't possibly have a pulse. A freaking crow has eaten part of his liver," Annabeth whisper-yells, pointing to the part of the body that used to have a hole. Shortly after, the color starts to return to the man's face and he wakes up, sitting up quickly.

He looks at all of us, but then turns his gaze to me and says, "Ah, demigods. Hello." He gets up and continues, holding out his hand to me, "I am the Titan Prometheus."

Percy immediately takes out his ballpoint pen and throws off the cap, transforming it into Riptide. He steps in front of me protectively and says, "The Titans are all supposed to be in Tartarus."

"About that, I technically never die, so I cannot go to Tartarus. Please put that thing away. I do not want to hurt you, any of you."

Percy lowers his weapon a little. I push him out of the way and look Prometheus in the eyes. "But you were dead!"

He looks up at the sky them puts a finger over his lips, "Shhh."

Everybody follows his gaze to the darkened sky except me. I keep looking at him, trying to figure this guy out. I am usually so good at reading people, but I can't seem to figure him out.

"Looks like Dad's angry," Jason mutters, causing Prometheus to snap his attention to him.

"You are a son of Zeus?"

"Jupiter," Jason corrects. I wonder if he ever gets tired of correcting people about that.

"Ah, I see. Well, son of Jupiter, do you know what your father's counterpart did to me?" Prometheus asks.

"You're cursed to die every day," I interject, "Zeus tied you to a rock and had an eagle eat your liver every day."

Prometheus smiles. "I see that someone has done their research. And do you know why, daughter of Poseidon?"

"How did you--"

"I can smell the sea on you," he interrupts, "but, please, answer my question."

"Um, fire. Zeus took away fire from mortals. You had stolen it back and given it to them. "

He claps, "Very good. The rest of you should do your research like she has."

Everybody looks at me, making me want to jump off a cliff. There is a large strike of lightning only about a mile away from us, making us jump. It was settled. We had to run. What we are running from, I don't know, but it looks like we are running from the God of the Sky.

-------- (A Couple Hours Later) --------

Nico's POV

After running for what felt like forever, we stop at a diner in the middle of nowhere to get some food and rest. I have a bad feeling about this Prometheus guy. He did save humanity, but he's getting closer to Jess than I like. We had gotten close in the passed few weeks, so I feel so responsible for her, like I do for Hazel. She's like a little sister to me.

We sit at the bar and order food. What I would do for a happy meal right now. A song comes on over the road, causing Jess's head to snap towards it. She seems to be the only one to know the song, but she obviously really likes it. She gets up and starts singing to it:

"Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes. And we keep loving anyway. We laugh and we cry and we break and we make mistakes. And if there's a reason I'm by her side when so many have tried. Then I'm willing to wait for it. I'm willing to wait for it."

Everybody in the diner turns their attention to her, which isn't many people in the first place, but it doesn't matter. She's in her own world, and almost all of us know that there is no stopping her once she's in "JessLand".

"Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes. And we keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there's a reason I'm still alive when everyone who loves me has died. I'm willing to wait for it. I'm willing to wait for it."

And here comes the chorus...

"WAIT FOR IT. I am the one thing in life I can control! I am imitable! I am an original!"

We all enjoy the little show we get. Once the song is done, everybody claps. I stand up and give her a hug. I know how she hates being the center of attention. I whisper in her ear, "That was fantastic."

She smiles, and I know I've made her day.

One part of that song still lingers at the back of my mind, though, and I hope it isn't true.

I am the one thing in life I can control. 


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