Untold Secrets

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Nico's POV

We all stand outside the door to Jess's room. She had passed out as soon as she took care of Zeus. It had all happened so fast. I don't even know if she was conscious throughout the whole thing. I noticed that her eyes had turned black shortly after she sucker punched him across the room. I can't help but smile at the thought. He had it coming to him sooner or later.

Mike hasn't left her side since she passed out, which made it a bit difficult for Will to try to help her. Now, it's the waiting game. She's been out for nearly three days now, and we still have no idea what is going on or why Zeus was acting that way. But at least the sky was back to normal, clear and sunny.

Will steps out of the room Jess is in, grabbing everybody's--Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Leo, and I--attention.

Percy's voice comes out hoarse as he asks, "How is she doing?"

"Well, she seems to be doing fine. Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" Will asks, directing the question at me.

I cough awkwardly, "It's a long story. I'll tell you when she wakes up."

"What if she doesn't?" Leo asks.

"Leo!" The girls scold him.

"What? It's not like we're not all thinking it," he defends.

"He's right," I say. "This is something we know nothing about. There is no promising that she will wake up."

"Let's just hope she will. It doesn't seem like Mike will take it too well if she doesn't," Will comments.


Jessie's POV

Why is everything so dark? Where am I?

I look around as a cold shiver runs up my spine. It reminds me of shadow travel.

What happened? What's the last thing I remember?

I wander around the cold, dark place, searching for something or someone.

Zeus. The shadows around him, holding him down.

'Hello, dear. Welcome to my lovely home,' a voice says in my head.

"Who's there?" I try to sound confident, but my voice comes out as a small squeak.

'Why, is that any way to talk to the mother of the man you love?'

"What? What are you talking about?" I shake my head, trying to figure out what this person is talking about. Person I love? That's crazy! I don't love anybody. I don't remember loving anybody.

'My son, Moros. God of impending doom,' the voice is definitely a woman. But who? What goddess is in the night?

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never seen or met Moros."

'His mortal name is Mike.'

Mike. Where do I know that name? My head makes me feel dizzy, also making me feel like I might throw up.

A picture flashes through my mind. A boy with dark hair and green eyes, a lopsided smile on his face. Another of him sitting with me in the Parthenon. Memories fly through my mind of this boy, of Mike. He runs into me at a coffee shop, us going for a walk, talking by the lake at Camp Half Blood, the trip to California, seeing his worried expression when I left the room with Hades.

The memories overwhelm me, causing me to fall on my butt. I move backward, pressing myself against a wall, trying to calm myself down.

'You remember him,' the woman's voice draws me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, but he couldn't be a god. Especially the god of impending doom."

'Technically, he is the God of Destiny. I just like impending doom. It seems much more interesting, don't you think?'

"Um, sure," I reply awkwardly. "But why wouldn't he tell me?"

'My dear, would you tell everybody if you were in his shoes?'

"I suppose not."

'We all have our secrets, dear. My son has his, you have your own secrets that you do not even know of yet.'

"What are you talking about?"

'All in good time, dear. Right now, it is time to wake up. You and your friends have a long journey ahead of you to defeat Chaos. You must remember, Chaos thrives in chaos, so keep everything calm.'

"How are we supposed to stop him?"

'You will find out soon enough. Now, wake up!'

I wake up to Mike shaking me awake, "Jessica, wake up."

"Huh? What's going on?" I ask, yawning.

"You were having a nightmare. I was so worried."

"Worried? You were worried? About what, Moros?"

He looks at me befuddled. "Wh- How did you you find out?"

"Your mother, Nyx."

He shakes his head. "Of course she told you. She can't take a hint to stay out of my life," he mutters.

"Get out. Now."


"Now!" I yell, turning away so he doesn't see. The tears threatening to escape my eyes.

He gets up and leaves. I am left alone for a few seconds before Nico and Percy both barge into the room, tackling me with hugs. I blink away the tears, trying not to make the others worry.

Everything will be okay in the end, right?


Soooooo another chapter written. How do you like it? Hopefully you do because I will probably be writing a lot for the next few days. I sprained my ankle really bad earlier today, so I have a bunch of time on my hands since I can't really leave my bed.

Any doodle, remember to Vote, Comment, and Share. I know I keep asking for feedback, but it seems you guys are kinda ignoring me, so I am assuming that this story is just amazingly fantastic (considering nobody will tell me that it sucks or if anything is wrong with it).

Love you and keep reading.


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