With A Prophecy Comes A Quest

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Jessie's POV

Word got to Chiron about the prophecy. I'm sure it was Percy that told him, but I don't really care. Every one of the Seven, including Nico, have been checking on my every five minutes. After the big sappy moment, I wanted some alone time, but Percy and Nico were not allowing it. I just shrugged it off then, but now it is seriously getting on my nerves.

Chiron had announced to everyone during dinner that the Seven and I were going on a quest. I don't know why exactly, but I heard something about chaos out West. I kinda tuned him out, just like everybody else. Anyways, Hazel had to talk Frank into going, Leo was game, and the others were just going along with it, mostly out of curiosity. It was settled: we leave in the morning.

For my last night in Camp, I decided to spend my time near the water. I knew he wasn't listening, but I still prayed to Poseidon.

Please don't let anybody get hurt because of me. Please.

I started snapping the wristband on my arm; a way for me to not think about cutting. I shake my head and get up, then start heading to Hades' cabin. Lately, I have been talking to Nico if something was going wrong. He understood, so naturally he is the only one I can trust.

I basically barge into the cabin because its become like a second home to me. As I make my way to Nico's room, I notice the door is closed. That's weird, I think, I'm the only one that shuts that door.

I shrug it off and open the door, then immediately close it at what I saw. Nico and Will Solace making out, and it was getting pretty. . . intimate. Shit. I start heading back to the door, my hand hovering over the knob when I hear Nico call my name.

"I'm so sorry, Nico. I just needed to talk," I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. Every footstep he takes toward me rings in my ears. He quickly turns me around, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"What's wrong, Jess? You know you can always talk to me."

I shrug off his hands. "No, I'm sorry. Go back to what you were doing. I'll be fine," I say, lying through my teeth. I hated lying to him, but I refuse to be an inconvenience and a bother. "I'll just see you tomorrow."

"Babe," Will says from the door, "everything okay?"

'Just go,' I mouth to Nico and smile.

He sighs, knowing he's been beat then whispers, "I will search you tomorrow."

I keep smiling a fake smile as he kisses my forehead. I turn around and wave to Will then leave. I head back to my own cabin, going straight to my room once I get there. I open my computer and start playing Fall Out Boy to try and calm me down. Sighing, I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a while before I sit up, knowing there was no way I was getting sleep tonight.

You can't save them if you can't even save yourself.


*the next morning*

Percy wakes me up. I groan as I pick myself up off the floor. Why I ended up on the floor, I will never know. I grab some clothes, singing along with the music still playing; Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy. I get dressed and simply put my hair in a side ponytail.

Everybody meets on Half Blood Hill. I zone out while they talk about where to go. The camp car, or minivan, pulls up. Argus, our hundred-eyed head of security, is in the driver's seat. We all pile in. Argus starts driving. I lose myself in my thoughts as Nico checks my arms. All the small, uneasy chatter starts to get on my nerves, so I put in my headphones.

I am jolted back to reality when Argus parks and everybody starts getting out. I put my iPod back in my bag and follow the others. Of all places, we went to a bus station. We got tickets to California, and, after waiting for about a hour, we got on the bus.

The boys, including Nico, sit towards the back. I easily find out why. A beautiful girl is near the back. Actually, beautiful was an understatement. Hazel, Annabeth, and Piper all try snapping their boyfriends out of the state they are in.

The bus lurches forward, causing me to fall. The girl glares down at me then starts laughing. The boys went along with her, but it isn't just the boys. Every person of the male species is laughing at me. I look closely at the girl, and that's when I see it.

She has a serpent tail and fangs. Lamia.

I immediately get up and stab the girl in the heart with my dagger that I got at Camp. Before she could fight back, she crumbled to dust.

I have no idea what the other people just saw, but the demigods in front of me stare at me. I just shrug and take a seat next to Nico. I can feel their eyes on me, so I finally say, "Bitch had it comin'."



Hey guys. Just wanted to know how you think its coming so far. I hope you don't mind the little bit of cursing, and I thought I would be nice and throw in a small Solangelo part.

Love you,

Maryjane <3

P.S. Vote, Comment, Share. Always remember that I appreciate feedback. Thank you.

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