Play Date

17 1 0

Mike's POV

She left yesterday. My Jessica left on a dangerous quest yesterday, and there is nothing I could do to stop her. But she's with the Seven and Nico. She'll be okay, right?

Wrong, a voice in my head says.

Something bad is going to happen. I know it. Being a child of Nyx*, I can usually tell when something chaotic is going to happen, and the sky getting darker and darker with each passing hour is not helping my nerves. I have to go to her.

I make my way to the pegasus stables. Once I was sure everybody had gone to dinner, I sneak into the stables. I grab Blackjack, the only one that likes me thanks to Percy. Being a child of chaos isn't all it's cracked up to be. Most animals don't like me; at least none that are useful.

As I fly like a mad man out of Camp, I can't help thinking of Jessica. Ever since I met her at the Parthenon, she has been that nagging thought at the back of my mind. I wish I knew what she was doing to me. It's as if Aphrodite herself is setting this thing up; which, if I know better, cannot be any good.

I am so lost in my thoughts that I don't even notice Blackjack's descent until we hit the ground. I get off him as Percy walks out of the barren diner in front of me, with the rest of the group following after him, along with a new person.

The tall stranger with short and curly brown hair, like Leo's, sticks close to Jessica. I immediately want to punch him in the face, but I control the part of me that wants to lash out. I look into Jessica's blue-green eyes, and I start calming down. What is she doing to me?

"Mike." I shake my head as Leo snaps his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Earth to Mikey. What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, I was about to ask the same thing," Jessica says, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

I clear my throat and say, "I thought you guys would need as much help as you can get."

"Does Chiron know?"

"Of course he does. He was the one that insisted on me coming."

I could see a hint of a smirk on Percy's face, but it quickly disappears before he says, "Oh, yeah. I had gotten an Iris-message about it. I totally forgot when Jessie decided to play American Idol," which receives a slap on the arm by Jessica.

I can't help but smile. She is just too cute. Wait, what am I saying?

The tall stranger clears his throat, getting everybody's attention. "I believe we should get moving. We cannot stay here for too long."

"Why? What's going on," I ask.

"My father seems to be losing his marbles," Jason says.

"Just what we need."

After a moment of silence, I see some kind of gleam off in the distance. I squint my eyes, trying to see what it is. What I notice is it coming right for us, and fast.

"Um, I think we need to start running. Now," I sputter out then turn and start running.

I hear everybody start running behind me, but then I hear a scream. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. The giant golden eagle has picked up Jessica by its beak. My hands ball into fists, but I know that I have no chance against a giant eagle.

"Jason, try and get her down," I yell.

"You have got to be kidding. That is the Aetos Dios. I can't compete with that thing, even if he is my father's."

"I said try and get her down. Now. Don't be a coward like you're father!" As the words leave my mouth, I instantly regret it. Lightning hits me. The last thing I remember before my vision goes black is Jason flying up to the eagle.

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