Bad Memories

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(A/N): This may be a bit triggering. It talks about cutting and rape. I do not actually write a picture of what is happening, but I would like to give you a warning just in case. Read with caution.

This is probably a really bad, but serious chapter. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share it.

And let me know if you hate it or have any ideas.

Love you all,

Maryjane <3


Jessie's POV

We are lead to a dark room, but then again, there aren't really that many options in the palace of the Underworld.

As soon as we walk into the room, the doors close. There is only the light from a few torches. There is no furniture in the room, which makes me wonder what it is even used for. I grab Nico's hand, like I usually do when I need comfort, and ask, "How can you help, Hades?"

"I know how you can get the power to go against my brother. However, you must know that it will cost sacrifice and pain."

I get control of my nerves and step forward, letting go of Nico's hand. "Whatever it takes. I'm in."

I can see Hades smile. It's very disturbing, and it makes me want to turn around and run, but I stand my ground. "Step forward then, Jessica." I don't even want to know how he knows my name.

I walk closer to him. He waves his hand and green light begins to twist around me, enveloping me. As soon as it consumes me and I can't see anybody else, the light changes.

I am back in my house in Tennessee. My room is just how it was when I was fourteen. The pink walls and pink comforter almost make me sick. The clock on the nightstand reads 3:12. Fourteen year old me should be getting here soon.

Mini me walks in at 3:20. Right on time. She closes the door and leans against it, locking it. I remember this day. 

She slides down the door, letting out a sob that I could tell she was holding. I know what happened. School was the worst that day. I could still see the soda dripping from my hair. Mini me's clothes were ripped and stained, and a bruise was forming on her cheek.

What happened was flirting, or that's how it started. The senior football star was flirting with me. I had tried to ignore it. It had been happening for days, but finally I couldn't ignore it any longer. I approached him about it during lunch that day. He was with his friends, of course, and they had all started laughing at me.

Later on that day, the whole cheerleading squad had came up to me. Their leader, Josie Reynolds, was yelling at me and calling me a liar about her boyfriend flirting with me. She ended up punching me, another girl poured soda on me, and the rest started pulling at my clothes until they ripped.

I roll my eyes. This looks like something straight out of Cinderella.

In an instant, mini me goes to the draw of her desk. She takes out the small blade, looking at it thoughtfully. I was struggling for so long, and this was the last straw.

I scream, "No!"

She doesn't hear me. I know what's about to happen. I can't watch this. I close my eyes, wanting this to be over.

When I open my eyes, the scene had changed. Sixteen year old me is in the room. She is reading a book. I can hear faint talking from downstairs. Shit. This day.

A man barges into the room. Past me looks up from her book and rolls her eyes, saying, "The bathroom is down the hall."

He doesn't respond. He just shuts the door and locks it. Past me straightens up on the bed, grabbing a blanket to cover up. She says, "Not another step. I will scream."

The man's dark eyes bore into my younger self. He laughs, "Nobody will hear you, child."

I finally get a close look at the man. He has long, almost black hair that is graying. He has a trimmed beard the same color as his hair. His eyes are dark. Was that a flash of lightning outside? It wasn't raining that night.

It all happened so fast. He turned on music then snatched the blanket away from my younger self. He crawled onto the bed, on top of her. Past me tries to scream, but he covers her mouth. He puts a hand up her shirt and she yells, but I knew nobody could hear her. Tears begin to fall out of my eyes; just a few at first, then more as I begin to sob. I begin to sink to the ground, watching helplessly as I see this happen.

I am made to watch the whole thing happen. It couldn't have lasted more than twenty minutes, but it feels like a lifetime. I see younger me roll over, facing me, after its done. She seems to look straight at me. I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt; like I should have stopped it.

I watch my younger self begin to cry. She cries for what seems like forever until she falls asleep.

Then her face begins to change. Everything around me turns to darkness. I don't know where I am for a minute. Then I realize that I am back in the room in Hades palace; or maybe I never left.

I am lying on the floor in the fetal position. Real brave, Jess. Nico is the first one at my side. Then Mike, Percy, and Annabeth follow.

Nico looks up at his father, anger boiling, and yells, "What the hell did you do to her?"

"I gave a fair warning. I said that it would cost sacrifice and pain. She is not finished." Hades walks over and holds out a hand to me and says, "Come, child, there is more to be done."

Percy, being the overprotective person he is, takes out Riptide. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her."

I sit up, putting a hand on Percy's shoulder. "It's okay, Perce. This will all be worth it in the end," I say then take Hades's hand.

I get up, and Hades starts walking. I turn to the others for a moment, then turn back around and follow Hades; leaving them alone in the room.

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