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Jessie's POV

After the long drive, we finally get to San Francisco, California. Percy, Annabeth, and I get out of the back of the truck and stretch. We had been in the back long enough for Annabeth to get a sunburn, and Percy and I got a decent looking tan. I hold in a laugh from looking at Annabeth's tomato red face.

After I calm down, I ask, "So how is coming here supposed to help us figure out what's wrong with Zeus?"

Nico sighs and replies, "The only thing that might help is the main entrance to the Underworld is here. Maybe my dad could help."

"Then let's go," Percy interjects.

The five of us start walking. I'm not sure where, but Percy and Nico seem to know where they're going. Nico walks in front with Percy and Annabeth close behind, but Mike and I are a little farther behind them.

Mike walks stiffly beside me, and I can't help but wonder what's wrong with him. However, I can't get up the courage to ask. I steal glances of him when he isn't looking, and look away when he suspects I'm looking.

I finally take a deep breath and ask, "What's wrong?"

He looks at me and smiles, but I can tell it doesn't reach his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You're nervous. Why?"

"I just don't like California. There are too many monsters here, and the Mist is really strong, even for demigods."

"You shouldn't worry so much. We'll be fine. I know I'm new to this questing thing, but I can kick some serious butt. Not to mention that we have Percy, Nico, and Annabeth on our side," I try to reassure him, but his facial expression doesn't change.

He puts an arm around my shoulders, a light smile on his lips. "You're right. I shouldn't be worried. Thanks, Angel."

Did I just hear that right? Angel? I try to control my beating heart as I ask, "Did you just call me Angel?"

"Yes. Is that okay, Angel?"

"Um, yeah, yes, th-that's fine." Smooth, Jess. Real smooth.

He chuckles, rubbing small circles on my shoulder with his thumb. I can feel my face start to get hot as a blush starts covering my cheeks. I walk a little faster to catch up with Percy and the others.

I catch up with them and put my elbow on Percy's shoulder, trying to play it cool, but it doesn't work too well since he's almost a full foot taller than me. He turns to me, and starts laughing, "Are you okay, Jessie? You look as sunburnt as Annabeth," to which Annabeth hits him. He rubs his shoulder and says, "But seriously, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Perce. I think you need to worry more about yourself, though."

Percy kisses Annabeth's temple "I'll be fine-"

"We're here," Nico interrupts.

I look at the small building in front of us. "A recording studio is the main entrance to the Underworld?" I almost laugh at the thought.

"Just come on," Nico says.

We all walk in after him. I look around the room packed with people, or ghosts rather. Nico walk to the reception desk, talking with the man at it.

Percy elbows my arm softly, "That's Charon. Not exactly a ray of sunshine."

I see Nico hand over a few drachmas, and the guy nodded his head to the elevator. Nico walks to it with us in tow, and we all get on. He presses a button and it starts going down. "Now, leave all the talking to me."

"But-" Percy tries, but is cut off.

"Especially you, Jackson. Shut your trap. You know my dad doesn't like you."

Percy crosses his arms like a five year old, muttering, "Fine."

Annabeth ruffles his hair and laughs.

For going to the Underworld, they seem calm and collected. I guess that happens when you are a demigod.

The elevator dings, and the doors open. We all step out into what everybody would imagine the Underworld to look like. Nico takes out a small ball and throws it to Cerberus.

Nico leads us down a path to a palace in the distance. I begin to notice that everybody, and every thing, seems to steer clear of him. I will have to keep in mind never to cross Nico di Angelo.

Once we walk into the palace, we are led to the throne room. A woman, which I presume is Persephone, and a man sit on the two thrones. Persephone looks incredibly bored, and Hades looks amused to see us.

"I assume you are hear about my brother," he says, getting up and walking towards us, toward me.

I instinctively take a few steps back.

"There is no reason to be afraid, my dear."

"Yeah, right," I mutter.

"Dad, we need your help," Nico interrupts.

"Ah, yes. Come with me," Hades says before walking down a hall.

I mouth 'thank you' to Nico and follow everybody down the dark hallway.

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