A Prophecy

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Jessie's POV

It has been a week since I was claimed. I have permanently moved into the Poseidon cabin, which is just odd between Percy and I because he is so used to being alone except for the rare visits from Tyson, whom I have yet to meet. I have noticed that people just kind of look over me. I guess I can't compare to Percy.

I will never be good enough. I will always be the outcast.

I sit in the Poseidon cabin, lost in my thoughts. To be honest, I am thinking about writing a fanfiction. What it would be about, I have no idea, but it's an idea.

Percy barges into the cabin. He scans the room and lays his eyes on me. I raise an eyebrow, but he just walks over and grabs my wrist, dragging me outside. He takes me up to the cave where Rachel, our Oracle, lives. I always wondered why she lives in the cave and not in a cabin or the Big House.

The rest of the Seven, Nico, and Rachel are all in the cave, and I am getting really confused. Is this an intervention or something? I scan the room nervously, tugging at my shirt sleeve like I usually do when I'm nervous.

"Um, what's going on?"

Everybody looks over at Rachel and Annabeth says, "There is another prophecy, and we believe you are part of it."

I look over to Rachel and she recites the Prophecy:

"Siblings of an eldest god

Through the desert, they must trod

Separated since birth

Together, they must save the Earth."

My breath starts to quicken and I feel like I'm going to throw up or pass out. I run out of the cave as quickly as I can. I run through the woods, barely hearing everybody yell my name over the blood rushing in my ears. I collapse onto the ground by a tree, trying to calm myself.

Unfortunately, I was not left alone for long. Jason sees me and runs over. I mentally hit my head on the tree for not finding somewhere better to hide. For a person that is usually calm in stressing situations, he seems to be flustered for how I am acting. He's panicking.

I can barely hear him call for somebody and within several minutes, everybody is crowding around me, which makes everything worse. The words keep running through my head.

Separated since birth. Death of Camp Half Blood. Save the Earth. Death.

I pass out.


Percy's POV

"What the hell just happened?" I ask, trying to shake Jessie awake. It doesn't work, which just aggravates me more.

"She passed out, Percy. She isn't going to wake up for a couple minutes," Piper says.

I pick her up. "I'll take her to the cabin, and we will talk about this when I get back." I start walking to the cabin before anybody could say anything. After laying her down on her bed, I head back up to Rachel's cave where everybody is standing outside.

"I have never seen anything like that happen to anybody," Jason starts.

"She had a panic attack over a Prophecy. Can you blame her?" Piper says, glaring at Jason.

Annabeth takes a deep breath, "I think we need to find out her story." Then she turns to me and pats my chest, saying sweetly, "That will be your job, Seaweed Brain."

"Why me? I can handle that as well as Jason handled it," I interject.

Hazel clears her throat and nods her head, signaling for me to look behind me. I do so, and I see Jessie standing there, biting her lip and obviously holding back tears.


Jessie's POV

I stand behind everybody, listening to their conversation. I am torn between punching someone and breaking down. Hazel notices me and brings the attention to me.

I walk to the group, knowing there was now way I could avoid this. I pull at the shirt sleeves nervously as I walk into the cave, and sit against a wall as the others file in and sit in a circle around me. I want to laugh as I am taken aback by the scene, reminding me of story time when I was little.

I sigh once everybody turns their attention to me, "I am sorry for being an inconvenience." Percy goes to interject, but I hold my finger up to shush him. "But I will be okay. I do not do well at first under pressure."

"What's your story," Leo asks, earning a slap from Piper and Annabeth.

"My story?" I pull at my sleeves again. "I will be honest. It isn't very good. I used to move around when I was little. Which makes sense now, actually. My parents, or adopted parents, wanted so badly to seem perfect. I was always put into my room when guests were over." I take a deep breath, "This one time, my parents had a get together, and I was stuck in my room. This man had come upstairs, looking for a bathroom, and stumbled upon me in my room. He came in and locked the door. I am sure you guys can guess what happened after that. They didn't believe me, so it never went to court or anything."

I pull my knees up to my chest and pull at my sleeves, my pants, anything to cover me up. Nico crawls over to me and grabs onto my wrist. He pulls up my sleeves, showing the scars on my arm. I try to take my arm back, but his grip is like steal.

He surprises me by pulling me into a hug and I finally let out the cry I was holding in.

They don't care, Jessie. You should know that by now. They will just all end up dead, and all because of you.

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