I'm The Daughter Of Who?!

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It has been a week since I arrived at Camp. I have made some friends, but I still feel like an outcast.

After the long day, I had decided to go to the pier by the lake. That's my usual place now. I just sit there until somebody, usually Percy or Annabeth, comes to get me for dinner or bed.

I haven't been eating much lately. Waiting to be claimed is very nerve-racking. I don't know if I can go much longer.

I find myself going back into old habits: not eating, not sleeping. The dreams are getting terrible. I keep seeing their faces; their dead faces.

I stick my feet into the water. I look up at the now setting sun. I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear somebody call my name: "Jessica?"

I turn around a little to just get a glimpse of Leo. The very funny and adorable Leo Valdez.  I turn back around to hide the blush from my cheeks at the thought. "What can I do for you, Leo?"

He walks over and sits beside me, then drapes a jacket over my shoulders. I didn't realize how cold I was until I feel the warmth from the jacket. He says, "It's freezing out here, Jessica. What are you doing out here without a jacket?"

I shrug. I didn't know why. I guess I kind of stopped caring. Leo continues on with his rant, but I tune him out. What is wrong with me?

Leo snaps in front of my face a couple times, saying, "Hello? Earth to Jessica. Are you in there?"

I blink a couple times in confusion then Leo gets up and picks me up, putting me over his shoulder. "LEO!! Put me down!" I yell, trying hard not to laugh.

"You want me to put you down? Okay." He then throws me into the lake.

I wait for the cold rush from the water, but it doesn't come. I open my eyes and find myself breathing underwater. When I come up, the water around me is bathed in a soft green-blue glow. I look up to see the floating trident above my head--the sign of Poseidon

Campers start running toward the lake, eager to see the claiming. Leo helps pull me up onto the deck, muttering apologies. I just wave it off and say, "Shut up, Leo."

I look at everyone staring at me. Some with awe, others with envy. They all start to bow as Chiron says, "Jessica St. Jermaine, daughter of Poseidon."

"I'M THE DAUGHTER OF WHO?!?!?!" I basically yell, ruining the moment.

My dreams are coming true. I will be the death of this Camp and everybody here.



Hey everybody. What's this? Two updates? No need to thank me everybody. I might try to update again today... If you're lucky..

Love you guys,

Mary Jane <3

P.S. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. And please let me know if you like it. I actually care about these things.

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