One Word: Confused

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(A/N): Just for reference, Journal Entries will be in italics and bolded. If there is anything else like this, I will let you know. Enjoy :)



Everything is spiraling. I don't know what is real and what isn't.

I wake up in a strange room. I immediately wince from the pain as I try to sit up.

"Don't do that," a feminine voice says, "you've been out for a few days. We'll get you some ambrosia and nectar."

I turn my head slightly toward the girl, and my mouth nearly dropped. I just had to ask. "Are you Annabeth Chase?"

She smiles and replies, "Yes I am. And you are Jessica. I'm sorry that I don't know your last name. Mike never told me."

"That's because I never had the chance to tell him. And please call me Jessie."

Annabeth nods. "I know this may sound a bit weird, but do you mind if I look into your eyes?"

"Go ahead." I widen my eyes as Annabeth gazes down into them.

"Hmm. I've only seen one other person to have such similar eyes. Give me a minute." She goes to the door and yells "Percy! Get up here! And bring the ambrosia!"

I can hear somebody running up the stairs then he walks into the room, holding a baggie, as if he owns the place. I roll my eyes at the cockiness this guy has. That's when it hit me. This boy in front of me is Percy-freaking-Jackson.

The boy, Percy, sits on the edge of the bed and holds something out to me. "Eat up," he says with a smile.

I take whatever he held out to me and eat it. I'm taken aback by the taste of my mother's chess pie. I don't know how it could possibly taste like it, but it manages to bring tears to my eyes and the memories.

Percy and Annabeth exchange a look, then look back at me. "Do you think you can sit up, Jessie?" Percy asks.

I nod and sit myself up, the pain in my head not being as terrible. "What's going on? Why am I here?" I ask, staring into Percy's eyes, which in return look into mine. He seems to be taking his sweet time in trying to formulate an answer, which starts to irritate me. "Well?" I say a bit more harsh than I meant to.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. It's just... your eyes" he brings my face closer to his, inspecting my eyes. "They look exactly like me."

"So what? Plenty of people have blue-green eyes."

"Yeah, but these are different. They're like the sea. You could be child of Poseidon, or Neptune if you're Roman."

What have I gotten myself into?

"You can't be serious." I say. Percy just nods his head as if that explains everything. The information from the books start swirling around my head like crazy. Percy doesn't have any siblings. Even if he did, then the whole Titan War would have been a disaster. Unless, I was younger than him, but we are easily the same age.

"I'll go tell Chiron. He'll know what to do." Annabeth says, then walks out.

I stare at Percy. I don't exactly mean to, but we couldn't be siblings. The only similarity is our eyes.

I never knew how weird my life could get. Now I know.

Percy starts to look a bit uncomfortable with my staring, so I look down at my hands. It's such a nervous habit. But who could blame me? If we are siblings, how could I possibly compete with him? He's saved the world. That's a huge shadow to live under.

Have you ever felt like you don't belong? I haven't. Not even in this supposed "safe haven". I feel so out of place.

"Do you think you can walk?" Percy asks, bringing me out of my thoughts. I simply nod and get up. I have to grab the wall for support. What hit me so freaking hard?

Percy leads me down to the porch where a man in a wheelchair sits. The man faces me and smiles. I am taken to the chair beside him and I happily take a seat. I was starting to get dizzy.

"Hello, Jessica, my name is Chiron. Welcome to Camp Half Blood." He gestures to the camp around us.

"It's more beautiful than I imagined." I mumble.

Chiron smiles and says, "I know this is shocking, but you are a demigod. If you weren't--"

"I wouldn't have been able to cross the barrier," I finish. "I know. I'm just not sure about who my godly parent would be. I was told I was adopted, and I don't remember ever having problems with monsters. It could be any of them." I say, looking down at my hands again.

"Not to worry. Thanks to Percy, you should be claimed within the week. Until then, you can stay in--"

"Hermes cabin," I interrupt again. "Is there possibly anywhere else? I can only imagine how packed their cabin is."

"She can stay with me. I have tons of room," Percy interjects. I smile at him.

Chiron takes what seems like forever to consider this, but eventually nods. "Annabeth can get you some clothes. Show her around, will you, Percy?"

Percy nods then helps me up, and takes me down to the camp.

I hope everything will be okay.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, so sorry for not updating earlier. I have been so busy with work and stuff. I will try to update as often as possible, so please bear with me. Please don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow Me. Let me know what you guys want for this story. I want feedback! Please.

Love you all,


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