Chapter 1- Handsy

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So this is my Gabriel, most people have men who are like in their 30's but these boys are 16/18 they should be young, so I chose Austin Butler for Gabe. Thoughts?

~Sangs POV~

"Stop it Trouble. Fuck" Gabriel slightly leans away from me ruining the moment we were just in. Right now Gabe and I are sitting on my bed in Nathan's house all alone, the other boys all have either a job to do or they are helping at the diner. After Gabriel had switched with Nathan to look after me, he immediately dragged me up to my room and pushed me onto the bed and claiming my lips in a passionate kiss. Things were slowly heating up and I ended on his lap, rubbing my hot core against his trying to relieve any tension in me at all. Then just as quick and it started Gabe leaned away breaking the kiss and he looked away. So now here we are me sitting on his lap dripping in desire wanting to be relieved.

"Shit... Sorry Trouble I got carried away for a second" He thrusts his hand into his hair and runs it through it over and over again. I so badly want to tell him NO I want to continue, don't stop or something that will tell him to keep going. I take this time to slowly look over the gorgeous man in front of me. His rich brown hair is now messy with his two blonde streaks push back making him look gorgeous. I couldn't see his bright blue eyes that where like crystals as his face was turned and his eyes weren't looking at me as he stared at the wall. Both of his ears had orange studs in the today with his 3 rings going up his ear. I could fell his lean but defined muscular body under his shirt, my hands itching to touch.

I was snapped out my dreams and Gabriel lifted me off his lap and sat me on the bed and walked towards the bathroom muttering "Fuck..I'll be back in a second Trouble." I strained to hear if he said anything under his breathe as he walked away. Now I was alone sitting in the room thinking about my boys. Every time we finally lead to doing something more than just kissing they pull away and don't give me a chance to say that I want to continue to where we were going. I rub my legs together to try and relieve of some tension, that has built up over the week from all the boy who go as far and making out then stopping. I'm strung so tight that I'm sure if I am left any longer I will probably jump the next person and probably strip them then and there no second thoughts.

I have tried myself in the bath to find some release but nothing ever works for me, and I just really want my panties ripped off by one of my boys and then shown what I can really feel, I do not want to live with a bunch of monks. I hear the toilet flush from down the hall and I try to stop the thoughts of Gabe slamming me down onto the bed and fucking me senseless, and I'm pretty sure I'm as red as a tomato now. Hey, in my defence I still have no actual hands on experience and these things still make me blush. I hear footsteps coming but my mind is still in the gutter, I need to think of gross stuff, smelly socks, old people wrinkles, Mr Hendricks, Gabe's lips against mine, no stop it.

"You okay there Trouble?" Gabriel states from the door way and I look up to see him leaning up against the door frame with a knowing smirk on his face, why couldn't I be unreadable like the great Mr Blackbourne.
"Yeah Meanie just thinking about school, I don't want to go back tomorrow." I say sadly, yes it is only the weekend but hey I really don't want to go back.
"Shit me neither Trouble, fuck. Next weekend we will all go out somewhere? I'll make sure of it." Gabe's eyes start to light up with mischief as an idea pops into his head to what we will all be doing next week. "Come on bring your sweet ass down stairs and we will watch a movie you pick." Gabriel yells out as he is already heading down stairs to the living room. I jumped up and sway a little the ache still in-between my legs there as I walk down stairs to watch a movie, I really hope he doesn't try to kiss me again because I know I will not let him leave until the aching is gone.
Not long after Finding Nemo (my choice) finished all the boys besides Sean and Mr Blackbourne walk through the door making such a ruckus, one I have grown to love. I go and get a hug and a kiss from each of them, I am really in trouble now, all this touching isn't helping either! Walking back to the couch my stomach growls so loud it might be considered another North, and of course the room becomes silent as all heads turn to face me, I give a shy smile as my face heats up.
"FUCK, Sang Baby when was the last time you ate, have you had dinner yet, what did you have for lunch?" Question after question comes from Norths mouth, and I know he is only yelling because he cares.
"North Star" I say catching his attention to stop him from continuing his mini rant, geese I thought only girls did that. " I did have lunch, but it seems I am now hungry again for dinner" I state it as it was a fact.

All the boys have a look on their face probably from me actually saying I'm hungry, Kota stands up and announces that we could either have Chinese or Italian for dinner because no one is bothered cooking food. Most of us vote for Chinese so Kota rings up and orders the usual. Whilst we wait for it to be delivered we are all off doing our own things with me floating in between all of the boys. Some how I end in Silas' lap with my feet in Kota's lap watching some of the others play video games. Slowly Kota starts to massage my feet and Silas starts to draw patterns on my back. Oh... God no. The ache in my legs comes back full force. Kota's hands are doing lazy circles on my feet and Silas hand are slowing edging around my back to hold onto me from the front and his hand rest just below my stomach where it really makes my toes curl. Oh Lord please, the two motions together slowly arise a moan from deep within from being sprung so tight, I bite my lip to stop the moan but it slips through my lips and comes out as a breathy moan. Once again all heads turn to me but I duck my head down so they can't see my red face.
"Foods here!" Nathan yells from the kitchen and I take that as my turn to quickly leave as fast as a can, god I need to keep my hormones in one place and that is inside me. I enter the kitchen and see Nathan and Victor setting out the food and they both look up as I enter. "What's wrong Princess, you look flushed?" Victors says full of concern oh Victor only if you knew, only if.
Through out dinner I sat there and came up with a plan, one that will definitely relieve me of the fire in between my legs, and I think that if this doesn't work I don't know what will. I just have the think who my first victim will be but first I need to make a call after dinner first.
Once everyone was getting ready to go I excused myself to the bathroom, time to make that call. I opened my phone and dialled the number i had gotten a few weeks ago. After a few rings the person of the other side picked up. "Hey, I need some help."
Okay so that was the very first chapter I have every wrote and I hope that you guys enjoyed it, I don't think it was that good but hopefully my writing will get better throughout the book and I can come back to edit it. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to comment. If you did like to please vote. Thank you for taking the time to read my book.
Xoxo hipster peace

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