Chapter 3- What Has She Done?

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So this is my Kota, played by Grant Gustin who stars as Barry Allen in the Flash. I think he pretty cute though with an without glasses.

~ Kota's POV ~

I am so engrossed in reading my book I don't realise that Sang has stood up and announced she is going to the bathroom and before anyone can interrupt she adds at the end that she doesn't need help. I look up and see both North and Silas with surprised expressions with a blush across their cheeks. Now I have known North for a while and to make that boy blush is hard, so what ever happened, I want to know it.
I can see everyone else has dumbfounded expressions so it looks like I'll have to lead it.

"What just happened with you two and Sang?" I asked giving both North and Silas pointed looks. They both share a look and their cheeks turn redder, what ever happened it must of been good.

North looks to the ground and mutters under his breathe "Fuck... fuck.." Both of the boys are avoiding eye contact with everyone but each other, if they don't tell me soon I'm going to threaten them with hours. Hey, just cause I'm leader doesn't mean I won't have some threatening fun with them.

"Well, are you going to spit it out or are we going to sit here all day? If it made Sang leave it should concern us." I look them straight in the eye, and when I am met with silence I raise an eyebrow. "I am waiting."

Silas' head slowly rises and he meets my eyes, at first his mouth is just opening and closing like fish but he takes a deep breathe and says "Sang accidentally voiced her thoughts and got embarrassed." He still has a stunned look on his face, what ever Sang said it must of been either on an explicit topic or it was something embarrassing, maybe girl issues.

"Fuck.. Shit.. What the hell man?" North slowly regains his voice and he is looking at Silas, "Where is the hell did that come from?" North still looks as surprised as Silas. I look around my other brothers to still see them as confused as I am.

"I'm sorry man she was wiggling in my lap and Silas Jr made an appearance I couldn't stop it. You would have to be a monk to not be affected by that, but I reckon she could even get a monk turned on." Silas says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, we are losing focus here, I give a look to Silas saying that if he doesn't tell me what our Sang said he is going to be in deep.

Silas throws his hands in the air and let's out an exaggerated sigh "fine." He sighs dragging out the 'i'.
"I'll tell you but don't tell Aggele Mou I told you all." He looks around the group for confirmation that they won't tell, we all nod our head so he looks me in the eye and starts his story.

"So Aggele was sitting in my lap like most days but she kept shifting and wiggling around on me, she seemed to be uncomfortable in the position so she was trying to get comfy. She was looking cute and all and I just couldn't stop it, Silas Jr made and appearance. I told her if she didn't stop that we would have a little problem, and um well um." He coughed nervously his cheeks aflame again "and we'll she whispered under her breathe that the problems wasn't little, and that it was big."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing I spluttered out a "what?" And Silas just looked up at me and nodded his head and looked back down. I looked around the group to see my brothers expressions, Luke and Gabe we laughing so hard they were clutching their stomachs, Nathan looked surprised, Victor had a blush on his cheeks, North and Silas remained in the positions and I'm sure my ears had tinted red. Though I looked around the group feeling something was missing, more like someone.

"Guys" I announced in a voice that would command their attention, and just like I thought their heads snapped up to meet mine, I took a deep breath ready for an outburst. "Where is Sang? She left a while ago and she isn't back yet." North jumped up and started scanning the area.

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