Chapter 11- Control

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Sorry for the long wait, enjoy! Ahh I love teen wolf, I know this song doesn't really match, well it sort of does match to the feelings at some point but i just like this song.

~ Sang's POV ~

After my bath, I got dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a pink singlet top, plain but comfortable. I felt a bit better after the bath, but knowing the boys they won't change their ways, like typical boys. I smiled they weren't just the boys, they were my boys.

Entering the kitchen, the rest of the house was still quiet, they must still be at the meeting I thought. Going to fridge I see that we have enough ingredients for tacos and as I'm pulling out the mince from the fridge I hear the front door open and a loud ruckus enters the house.

"Oi, Trouble where the fuck are you!" I hear Meanie yell from the front door and I shake my head at their antics.

"Kitchen!" I reply back as loud as I can without my voice breaking, I smile, maybe every-time my voice breaks it's me turning into a boy, maybe. I let out a giggle, as I continue to get out ingredients.

All 9 of my boys are in the kitchen and I start to think something is wrong. Luke, Gabriel, Dr. Sean and Silas all have a face splitting grins, Kota, Nathan, Victor and North all have blushes on their faces and Mr. Blackbourne has his normal blank face but his eyes twinkle in mischief.

"Whats wrong?" I immediately ask, afraid something bad has happened. I can't tell if it's going to be good new or bad, half are happy and half are embarrassed, what could it be? Nobody answers for a while and I start to worry.

Is someone is trouble, has Volto shown himself, is it Hendricks, McCoy? A list of names run through my head. Mr Blackbourne sensing my distress is the first to speak up, "Miss Sorenson, everything is fine, we just had some business to discuss." And at those words the blushing group of boys blush darker while the group with the smiles begins to smile even more and I think if they smile anymore something is going to break.

The sound of footsteps bring my attention to North as he walks past me and into the backyard, not even saying anything to me. My mouth dips as I frown staring at the closed door that North just walked out of.

Did I do something wrong? I place everything down and start to head towards where North went, all of the other boys now oblivious to me in this moment, North needs me. As my hand touches the door knob Mr Blackbourne speaks again, "North is embarrassed Miss Sorenson, don't be to hard on him."

Those ending words makes Silas, Luke, Gabe and Dr. Sean to all burst out laughing, high-fiving each other and bending over clutching their stomachs. I don't see what was funny about that sentence, "Mr B Pun intended!" Luke cackles as he slaps his knee.

I smile and shake my head at the boys humour, what ever it is the boys must of understood because those who weren't laughing had smiles on their lips. Even Mr Blackbourne's millimetre smile appears making me momentarily swoon but as soon as I remember North was hurt it goes straight out of my mind.

I pull open the door, loud so he knows that someone is here so I don't startle him, and what I see makes he frown. North sitting on the grass with his legs crossed and looking down staring at nothing from what I can see from behind.

I slowly make my way towards him, unaware of what North was feeling but as I sit down on the grass next to him I tell him what I have been thinking this whole time.
"I'm sorry North for what-ever I did." And as those words leave my mouth his face whips to meet mine, his eyes surprised.

"Sang-baby you have done nothing it's me, but you should go back inside." And he looks back down to the grass. Those words cut deep and I flinch at them. He doesn't want me here? Maybe he doesn't love me like I love him. Those thoughts bring tears to my eyes and I sniffle and his head whips back up and his face scrunches up in confusion and then changes into fear, dread.

"FUCK! God no, Sang-baby I didn't mean it like that!" He jumps up and picks me up into his lap and squeezes me to death, rocking me back and forth. "Sang-baby I love you so much, I wanted you to leave because I don't think I could control myself around you now after what we saw in the bathroom."

Now it's my turn as I hear his words my body freezes in his arm. He and the rest of my boys saw what happened in the bathroom. This is so embarrassing they probably think I'm some freak now because of what I did.

North must of felt me tense up because his finger glides under my chin and makes me look up to meet his eyes and he gives me a wicked grin, "Sang-baby don't be embarrassed, that was the most hottest thing we have all seen." His voice dropping octaves each word.

I lick my lips and his eyes follow the movement of my tongue, his eyes darken to a sinful black making my inside clench. Gosh, how can those boy make me wet with just a look. Just as I'm about to lean up to kiss him he turns away.

He looks away again into the woods and masks his face, but I can see the desire in his eyes, and I'm sure I have the same look in my eyes. Sitting in a hot boy's lap will do that to you, and it doesn't help when you can feel him growing beneath you.

"Sang-baby, you need to go inside now before I lose control." His voice is deep and husky making me shiver on his lap and his finger grip my waist holding me still so I can't shift against his length.

I smirk at both of our reactions. I drag my hands up his arms over his bulging muscles up to his broad shoulders and into his dark hair. I lean forward, my lips brushing against his ear and I whisper "come on North-star lose control for me." And then I bite down.
I am sorry for the long wait for this chapter and I'm afraid it might be like this for awhile. Everything here is starting up and I am busy with work and everything.

So I am going to be updating on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Those are the only days that I have free, and I am sorry for the long wait but I'll hopefully have maybe 2-3 chapters each week on those days.

Sorry for the cliff hanger but it won't be hanging long because tonight I will be writing the next chapter and hopefully posting it then as well.

I know this one is shorter than most of my chapters but I have such a writing block and I don't know what to do. If any of you have any ideas please help!

_hipster_peace_ xoxo

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