Chapter 18- Fresh Start

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(Hey ladies and gents. I know, I know. I haven't updated in yonders because:
1- stress and I was busy off my ass most of the time
2- my asthma was acting up
3- due to long and hard consideration I'm going to change this book abit.

What I mean is I'm thinking of throwing the story itself out of the window but keeping the smut.... So really it will just be a book dedicated to ghost birdy sex. There will be intros to each chapter but none of the chapters will no longer continue on for the previous but small bits will tie chapters together though only in some chapters.

The next few chapters are going to to be sort of a trial for this and I wanna see what you guys think of it and how it goes.

I will be taking request of what type of scene you want, like which boy, style and all that jazz.

So without further notice let's begin!)

{Sang's POV}

It was hot.
Too hot.

My hair was slicked back and stuck to my neck, sweat being the glue. I could feel the boob sweat building up, my clothes stuck to me. The personal heater that was wrapped around me continued to softy snore, warm breathes hitting my neck. His armed curled around me, closing me in his cocoon.

I glanced up, the alarm clock flashed 1:30am in bright red lights. I stared up at the ceiling, glowing stars coated the white roof, shinning dim. The heater next to me shifted, placing his leg over mine and hugged me closer like a koala on a tree.

I wanted to groan out in protest, his movements just made me even hotter. Slowly I pulled my limbs away from the boy, my movements slow and careful. Sometimes the slightest move wakes an Academy boy, other time they are knocked out cold. As my limbs were untangled I stood up, my toes feeling the carpet underneath my toes.

Raising my arms in the air I stretched out my limbs, my shirt rising and the cool breeze from the open window hits my stomach. The instant relief has me sagging, slowly I peel off my shirt and throwing it into the wash basket. Standing there in my bra and 3/4 joggers, heat still contains me.

Moving over to the closet I pull out a pair of pyjama shorts, thin and breezy. Pulling down my pants and putting them into the basket again, I turn around to see if he is still asleep.

But as my eyes meet the bed, I'm met with an empty mattress moving my gaze to left, my eye clash with a pair of matching green ones.

"What are you doing awake at this hour?" His voice husky and full of sleep, stirs the desire in me, a shiver racks my body.

His hands slide up my arms starting from my palms, as his hands rise he slowly brings my body closer to his until my chest is flat against.  His hands drift past my shoulders and down my back, resting on my tailbone.

"And why are you wearing very little cutie?"

His hands trail further down and grasp my two globes in his firm hands, massaging them. He brings his head down into my neck and licks the junction there making my knees weak. I let out a breathy moan as I lace my fingers through his hair.

"It was too hot in the bed." My voice a whisper with desire through out.

He growls and pushes his groan into mine, his hardness digging into my stomach, a delicious feeling floods through me.

"Now let's see how we can make it in the bed."

His hands pick me up from the top of thighs, and on instinct my legs wrap around his body, pushing his length into me more. The friction is pure bliss, I use my legs to push myself back and forth on his leg, the both of us moan out in ecstasy.

Sweet and Spicy (a ghost bird fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now