Chapter 10- Spying

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Warning: this chapter contains mature content but it isn't a sex scene, after the page breaks will indicate the start of mature text, enjoy!

~Sang's POV~

The rest of the school week passed in a blur, nothing interesting or exciting happened, there was no new gossip in the rumour mill either, it was oddly quiet. I haven't had any alone time with any of the boys after the magical night me and Gabriel had, though tomorrow night on Saturday, I am spending the night alone with Kota.

Though tonight all the boys are having an Academy meeting down the road at Nathan's house. The boys said after the meeting that some of them will come over to my house but it's still a long and boring wait for them to come home.

I understand that the boys want to have meetings about things I'm not allowed to know but i still get upset with being alone, it's just so quiet. Which leads to where I am now rubbing my thighs together on my bed.

Through out the week the boys small and kind touches have been nothing but kind to my body, all of the touches have been building up and I feel like I'm going to explode. I know I will hopefully have some fun with Kota tomorrow but right now I think I'm about to jump the next breathing male that comes past.

Thinking about what the boys touches have done i realise that most of them were intentional! When they would pick me up from their laps to pass me off to someone else they would squeeze my ass, I thought that maybe they lost grip but... Or maybe the time when Meanie was fixing up my shirt his hands kept brushing over my breast, turning me on even more.

My brain shortcuts to the one male who would be one who you would think wouldn't do anything cheeky, but oh he did. I can still feel when his hands ghosted over my body, or when he came up behind and pressed his hardness to my back. The simple gestures I thought were helping my posture in playing violin were him really playing with me.

That cheeky Mr Blackbourne! A giggle escapes my lips as I think of all the ways I want to rile him up in return, he won't know what's happening till its hits him. Rubbing my legs together i fly back onto my bed in a heap, more like a heap of sexual vibes all being stored inside my body ready to blow.

I grumble under my breathe having no clue what to do till Saturday to relieve this spring that has been coiled to extreme. My mind drifts off to the nights when Victor and I made love and to when Gabriel and I made love, well it wasn't really making love it was more fucking.

I think about when they used their fingers down there and how good it felt, maybe it would have the same effect if I did it myself? With that idea I'm walking towards the bathroom and locking the door behind it. A very un-lady-like snort leaves my mouth, there is no point in locking the doors with my Academy boys.

I start to fill up the bath with water and strip myself down until I'm completely bare and my body is in the water. Time to test out my theory and will that in thought I slowly drag my hands down my body.

~North's POV~
This god damn meeting is going forever, I just want to go and see my Sang Baby but no, we have to sit and listen to a bunch of Academy stuff. I look around and see my brothers are feeling the same thing as me and they just want to go home to Sang.

The sharp tone of Mr Blackbourne's voice brings me and my brothers out of their Sang thoughts. "I understand that you all want to go and see Miss Sorenson but with all of you not paying attention we are wasting more time here then being at Miss Sorenson's house."

Hearing those words all of us are focused and listening to Mr B with our full attention, hey the man might only be a-little older than us but he can be scary as shit if he wants to be. Most of the discussion is about the job at Ashley Waters and other Academy business but the topic then changes to my Sang Baby.

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