Chapter 13- Chains?

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Song really has no meaning I just like it
Sorry for such a long wait sorry sorry sorry! It like they throw everything at you at once and life is so busy. I will hopefully update lots next weekend! Aaaannd I haven't re-read this so sorry for grammar mistakes just wanted to have a chapter out.

~ Sang's POV~
My plan has gone rogue lately, no new victims to stalk like a vixen predator. The night I was meant to spend alone with Kota was canceled because some of the boys finished their mission earlier and decided we should have a sleepover. I do love all of the boys, but hey, I had plans! I know I am acting like a bit of a brat but, I am blaming hormones. These suckers are infiltrating my body with lust each time I just look at one of my boys.

Which leads to where we are now, a Wednesday night, sitting alone on floor in my room, with a bottle of alcohol in one hand, Coca Cola in the other. I just want to have a little fun, and maybe I just want to try getting drunk for once in my life. I know all the boys have had alcohol and gotten drunk, so I should be able too as well. I smile, I have a reason they can't argue with now.

I stare at the bottles in my hand contemplating if it is the right thing to do. I check the time and see it's only 4pm and the boys said one of them will be back at 7pm the earliest. With a shrug of my shoulders I lift both bottles up and mixed the two together.

I probably look like a lunatic by the way I'm watching the two colours mix, hints of brown liquid swirl through the clear like a sensual dance until they both are one colour. I look down to my attire and frown. I heard people throw up after they drink and get drunk so I should be prepared.

I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of running shorts and a singlet. Thoughts of Kota fill my head, well I really want to make love with him, so I can only pretended he is here now. With a shrug I slip out of my bra and panties and swap them for a hunter green set that I got from Kayli.

The hunter lace feels smooth on my skin, I run my hands over the material and giggle as I get to the string that barely covers by centre and bottom. The bra makes my boobs seem as if they were the size of some type of melon! The green is outlined by a white creating beautiful patterns across the straps and clasps. The middle of the bra has a small chain connected to it ending with a green heart that rests between my breast. Though the bra doesn't end there, instead of being a normal bra it has chains covering the cups of the bra. Chains!? What the hell is this, what type of person loves chains?

I shake my head, maybe it's in fashion, I wouldn't know anything about it anyway. The panties, or well scrap piece of material that probably cost $40 rests low on my hips and is the same colour material as the bra and once again has chain on them. Hanging from both hips are the small silver chains, they aren't heavy so I don't think they are real silver, but they sure look like it. The piece together makes me look daring and bad, and with I shrug I continue to get dressed.

I slip on the singlet and look down to see my stomach was playing peek-a-boo each time I moved my body. Sliding the shorts on tying up my hair so if I was sick it wouldn't get in my hair.

With everything sorted I plopped down onto the carpet in my room and stared at the drink. I slowly reached my hand out to the glass as if you would meeting a stray animal, slowly and cautiously in case it were to bite. Giving up on waiting I snatch up the glass and down the whole beverage.

The cold liquid travels down my throat leaving a cool and quenching thirst for more appear. I lick my lips, tasting the tangy liquid on them. I smile, that tasted fantastic. I jump up and run to the kitchen and pull out a on the go coffee mug and I bring it to my room and fill it up with the rest of the drink.

Walking down the stairs, with my drink of-course, I walk into the living room and head to the stereo. After my family left me here and moved to another state, the boys renovated the whole house and in the living room they hooked up surround sound systems and a large television.

I turn on the stereo to a radio station that plays pop songs, something to dance to. I take another gulp of my yummy drink, and my head starts to buzz, as I find a good song to listen to I turn up the music loud enough to dance to but not loud enough that the neighbours will complain.

As a good beat song comes on, I start to sway my hips to the beat and bob my head trying to get into the rhythm. I could even feel that all my muscles were stiff and I wasn't relaxed enough. And like those cliche moments I meet eyes with something that could relax these muscles.

My alcohol.

I start to chug the whole content of the liquid until the cup is empty snd I place it on the table. My body starts to slowly feel good, and I feel alive. A lazy smile graces my lips while I start to dance again, but this time my body flows to the beat of the music. I think the alcohol is taking effect, it feels like I could rule the world.

Rule the world. I should I could be damn queen ! Everyone else could be my peasants! I jump onto the table and start to dance as I mixed more drink and refill my cup. An new song starts and I feel the vibrations in the table as I dance, the chains rattle every jump and swing I do but I don't care, because I feel free!

~ Kota's POV ~
After my mission finished I headed straight to Sang's house. I have been waiting forever to see her, even though I'm feeling a-bit jealous. I have heard that my other brothers had gotten Sang alone and they made love, but there has never been another time for me or any of our other brothers. As I pull up to her house I hear the sound of a deep bass rumble through me as I get out of the car.

Music is blasting through the speakers in the house and I start to feel scared. Does Sang have people over, and who is playing that music. I unlock the door and rush inside the house and head towards the music. Each step towards the living room the music and bass got louder that my whole body was shaking.

I slowly opened the door and the sight before me froze me to the spot. Standing on the table in the living room was a partially naked Sang dancing her ass off, literally. She was shaking her ass and hips, her head thrown back drinking from a coffee cup. Though as my eyes travel down I feel my pants tighten, she wasn't wearing a shirt at all, but in its place was a green bra with silver chains.

I gulp, my mouth suddenly becoming dry. Chain. Oh my god.
Sorry sorry sorry for such a long wait every thing is so busy. I wanted to write more but I didn't have any time! I hope I'm not busy the upcoming weekend so I can actually update more.
Next chapter I will try to make it a bit funny, because I don't know what I am really doing right now, still.

Sorry again
Hope you enjoy this chapter

_hipster_peace_ xoxo

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