Chapter 16- They Say Blondes Have More Fun

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WARNING a small amount of mature acts in this chapter. It is not a full sex scene but things are going to be played with.... If you know what I mean (;

~Sang's POV~

I arose groggily, heat surrounded me and sweat was forming between my body and the one beside me. I turned around and faced the green eyed boy, who was sleeping, his hair hung over his face and all mused. I smiled remembering the night before that was full of love and lust.

Raising my hand and pushed Kota's hair back revealing his forehead, leaning down I placed a short kiss on his lips and wiggled my way out of the bed to go make breakfast. Slipping on a tank top and shorts i left to room silently and closed the door. Going down the stairs as quiet as possible but a rustling noise from the kitchen pauses me in my steps.

Somebody is in the kitchen, I try to stay calm, a blurred head won't do me any good in the situation. Slowly I start to back track going up the stairs but the footsteps get closer and are heading towards me. Adrenaline starts to pump through my body as I quickly run back up the stairs but it sounds like the other person is running too.

I wouldn't be able to get into my room without being seen so I hide against the wall, preparing myself for the intruding in my house. MY house not theirs, this is my home, my sanctuary and they are disturbing it. With the anger and adrenaline I stand straight against the wall. The person comes up the stairs with a blue hoodie over their head and shorts on their legs reaches the top of the stairs and silently heads in the direction of my room.


And with my beautiful boys name in my head I run and launch myself at the intruder who was going to hurt my love, no way


~Kota's POV~
The spilt from the curtains has me squinting my already blurry vision. My hand hits the nightstand tapping around to find my glasses. Once my hand meets cool frames I place them on my face and stare up at the ceiling.

I probably have a goofy Luke grin on my face, but I can't help it. Last night was magical, fantastic so much more, it was so perfect I can't put it into words. Her soft breathy moans, she was so tight and wet, just thinking about it me has counting.

I turn to wrap my arms around my 10 but I grasp air and I sit up and turn my head so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I jumped out of bed pulling on some pants, no boxers and I race to the door and I bang from the other side has my heart racing faster.


~ Sang's POV~
I run towards the intruder and launch myself at him. We both go tumbling to the ground and I immediately start to hit anywhere I can. Each hit, I become more and more mad. This person was going to hurt my Kota? I don't think so.

I don't register the arms going around my waist pulling me away from the intruder. I thrash around. "Let me go! Why are you here to hurt my family!?"

The body holding me just holds me tighter and the words he is saying become clear. The voice pleading "come back to us 10. Come you come back to me, I love you sweetie."

Kota's clear and pleading voice is whispering in my ear, nipping at the shell. He turns me around and hugs me tight. I look down to the intruder and my heart drops.

"Luke!?" Laying down on the floor with a red face a scratch along the left cheek. Kota puts me down and I drop to Luke. "Oh gosh, Luke. I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you, I swear!"

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