Chapter 15- Ties Are Useful Items

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~ Sang's POV ~
I woke up groggily in the middle of the night, with a pounding head. Did I get hit with a truck or something? A stir next to me made me realise I was not alone in my bed, wait my bed? I look down and see Kota sleepily lying on his stomach arm around my back, but what caught my attention was his naked back, ripped with muscle.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, spice filling my senses, flashes of last night full my head. Me dancing on the table, drinking, me acting like an octopus over Kota.... An octopus, God I literally dry humped him. Me swearing and me telling Kota I want to be fucked into outer space...

I snake out of bed and tip toe out the room and I close the door letting out the breathe I've been holding. Ughhh I swore and told him straight out to make love to me. I made a fool out of myself, groaning at both my idiocy and my pounding head I went to the cupboard and took out some Advil. Swallowing down I tablet I lean back against the counter.

The clock flashes 2:00 am. Shaking my head I mumble to myself "I'm never getting drunk again."

Cold air hits my body in places if shouldn't, like my stomach, back and high thigh. With a shiver I look at my attire. Oh lord what the hell did I do now! Standing in the kitchen in a lingerie set, with chains, it reminds me of that movie Gabe put on halfway through.

" Come on guys, please can we watch just a little of my movie choice!" Whined Gabe as he bounced on the couch. "Then after we can watch whatever movie you all want please, I just want to show you this one part." Gabriel kept whining. With a giggle at his antics and a shake of my head, Gabe bounced up and smacked a loud kiss on cheek and ran to put the movie on.

Sitting between Mr Blackbourne and Sean set my nerves and body on fire, I don't always see these two but when I do, my body reacts without any consent. Suddenly the lights go off and the tv is blank.

Gabe skips back to his spot with the remote in hand and a cheeky grin. As he passes me he gives a quick wink and turns back. Meanie presses play on the movie and what's is happening makes me squawk.

On the screen is a handsome man, but not as handsome as my boys, watching a girl who is blindfolded and tied up. But that's not the worst, it's that she is naked. I jumped up and hide my head in the closets persons chest, my face the colour of a fire-truck.

The sounds coming out of the surround sound system don't help the blush but after the shock wears off the first thing heard is one very loud voice. "WHAT THE FUCK GABRIEL, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!"

Flashback Over

I blush again just thinking about that scene, gosh what was happening in that movie and why does my body heat up just thinking about it. With a shake of my head I go back up the stairs to change into pyjamas. Silently opening and closing the door to my room, I try to be quiet and opening the cupboard to get out clothes. But I guess I wasn't quiet enough.

Hands snake around my waist and mouth latches to my neck. I let out a short squeak but calming once I breathe in the heavy spice. Kota's talented mouth continues to assault my neck in a devilish way making my head loll to the side begging him to continue.


Legs feeling like jelly Kota pushes me against his body, feeling how hard he is I let out a moan. "You are so tempting Sweetie." Kota's words fan against my neck making me shiver. His hands snake down my body, feather like touches until he reach my behind when he grips onto it giving it a squeeze.

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