Chapter 2- Putting A Bitch Where She Belongs

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This is my Silas, Tyler Posey, yes I know he isn't some giant with muscles but if you think about it what high school teenager is going to be really ripped. Tyler still has muscles and he can look scary (teen wolf) but also really kind.

~ Sangs POV ~

Monday, the plan for tonight has been put into place, now all I have to do is wait and hope the other person does there part of the plan. I can't seem to sit still, I can feel my legs bouncing up and down underneath the table, I feel so excited and jittery. The plan which was named by my helper G.K.W.B.T which stands for Get Kinky With Blackbourne Team, I do not necessarily like the name but I would agree to it for the help.

The ringing of the school bell brings me out of my thoughts, how long was I daydreaming? A hand grabs my shoulder making me jump, I turn around to see Silas there with a knowing smirk, does he know about the plan, I don't think so. "Come on Aggele Mou, time for lunch." With that he picks up my bag and grabs my hand and started to walk outside where everyone was waiting for us.

When we were close enough to the group all their heads looked up and Gabe called out "Oi, sit next to me Trouble!" His outburst made a few of the other students to turn their heads to see what the commotion was about making me duck my head and blush. Gabriel noticed people staring so once again he raised his voice and yelled "What are you fuckers looking at huh?" That made me even redder because it made even more people turning, oh please Meanie just be quite for a minute.

Once we reached the group Silas sat down on the grass and pulled me onto his lap, oh god no not now! I could fell myself heating up, please body just wait until tonight for our first victim. North was on my right and he turned to look at me with those chocolate brown eyes that make you melt, "Hey Sang Baby are those fuckers making you uncomfortable?" I immediately shook my head and looked him in the eye, "no North-Star it's okay." I gave him a small smile so he knows I was okay. I looked around and saw Kota with his head in a book titled Lord Of The Rings, I think that's the one with a little fat man with red hair and a long red beard and he used little axes, I think his name was Gimli. Victor and Nathan we discussing what was going to happen during this week, North and Silas we discussing the latest baseball match that happened during the weekend and as usual Luke and Gabriel were messing around.

I couldn't seem to keep still on Silas' lap so kept wiggling around trying to get comfortable, though I didn't realise what I was really doing till it was to late. I felt lips near my ear "If you keep doing that Aggele, I think we're going to have a little problem." Silas whispered in my ear. I stilled as I felt something poke my bottom, no this is just making my issue worse but I felt it underneath me twitch. I don't think it's a little problem, more like a big problem. I heard both Silas and North choke behind me, oh no I said that out loud didn't I? I wiggled again I probably have the most horrified expression on my face with it being flushed as a tomato, the others began to look what made both North and Silas choke up. Could this get any worse? I jumped up off Silas' lap and announced "I'll be back, I'm just going to the toilet, I don't need any help." I didn't turn back and I walked as fast as I could to get out of there and into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom and went into a stall and put the lid on the toilet down and sat on the seat. Pulling out my phone I saw a text from my helper
'Everything is good to go, I placed the bag in your attic. Have fun tonight, just not too much!'
Perfect everything was going into place for tonight, I just had to chose my first victim and I think Victor is staying with me tonight.
I sent back a text saying 'Thankyou for the help, I'll pay you back, I owe you one."
Once I sent the text I was about to open the stalls door but the sound of the bathroom door opening stopped me, I heard the clicking of heels entering and stop in front of the mirror. I peeked through the slit in the door to see Jade and two of her minions standing at the mirror fixing up their make-up. I must say this is a pretty cliche moment, the 3 high-school queens in the bathroom with someone listening to them talk about other girls. The high pitch voice of Jade brought me out of my head.

"That little bitch thinks she can just come here and take my place, hell she isn't even pretty she is as ugly a monkey's ass, I'm sick of this shit I'm going to put her in place."
I was still listening but I couldn't figure out who they were talking about but I could hear her side kicks agreeing to what she was saying.
"I mean I'm a cheerleader I should be with one of the two new hunks on the football team, they are both so hot." She exclaimed, I think she is talking about North and Silas which means that they were talking about me before. Jade's voice rang out in the bathroom
"I'm going to bury that little whore into the ground even if it is the last thing I do, but those boys are going to be mine, and I bet she is just pulling that innocent act!"

I could feel my eyes burn wanting to cry, but I had to be strong, I was sick and tired of her hateful glares, I needed to be strong, I need to show that I am not worthless and that I won't put up with this bullying. I was still innocent I just knew what some things were but I had never seen what is below the waist on a man, that is uncharted lands for me. But that won't put me back I need to show them that I won't be put down. I slowly unlocked my cubicle door and held my head high.

Jade was the first to notice my appearance from my reflection in the mirror and a smirk came onto her face, she still doesn't know I'm going to fight back so I keep my face a little scared looking.

"Well look what we have here girls, the little slut herself." She smirked at her followers who cackled along with her. Jade turned around to face me with the her followers turning around and standing along side her.

"I don't see what those boys see in you, your just a plain and simple little girl. You act so innocent but we all know better, we know how much of a little whore you are, you think you can come here and just act like your top shit? I don't think so little girl I'm going to bury you so deep in the ground not even your little toys will want you anymore because you're a little useless cunt."
She gave me a nasty snarl but I kept my mouth shut, just wait for the right moment Sang, my hands were clenched against my thighs to stop myself from punching her, I was sick of the things she does to me, she is just a bully. Her snarl turned into another smirk.

"Though I should let you know North is just amazing in bed, me and him were at it all night he was so big and made love to me so good. Sorry but it seems he doesn't want you anymore because he told me yesterday when we were fucking that he loved me and not you. He thinks you are some little creepy bitch following them around." Jade and her minions laughed, does she think I'm that much of an idiot? North was with me and the other guys last night but I'm not going to correct her no I'm going to do better.

I finally looked Jade into the eye and said straight to her face "I've been called worse by better." I gave a shrug with my shoulders. "If your waiting for me to care what you say about me, you better pack me a lunch because it's going to be a long wait." With that I turned to walk out the bathroom but as I gripped the door handle I turned around with a smirk on my face and said to Jade. "Though I'm not sure neither North or Silas would enjoy a ride from you, if you know what I mean." With a smirk plastered on my face I winked at Jade's stunned face and walked away with a purpose in my walk back to my boys.
Okay so I had to do something where Sang stands up for herself, I wanted to others to see that Sang is becoming more strong I want to show progress of how she isn't just going to sit there and listening to everything thrown at. I want her to fight back!

So here it is the second chapter, I really like this one though. I was actually shocked to see that people had actually read this and i was really happy. Some even voted so Thank you so much!

I hope you liked this chapter, next chapter will have the POV of one of the boys, leave a comment to which boy you would like it to be. Thankyou again!
xoxo _hipster_peace_

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