Chapter 14- Outer Space

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~ Kota's POV ~

Sang still hasn't noticed me as she keeps swaying her hips in a mesmerising dance and I'm entranced. Not so innocent Sang has me following her every move, right, left, right and left, the pattern repeats itself over and over again. I try to adjust my pants before I go up to her, like a magnet drawing me in.

But as I take a step Sang starts to run a hand from her chest down to her body and I freeze and she starts to turn around. I groan. Sang's cheeks are flush with colour, her eyes alive and a cheeky grin graces her oh so kissable lips. I follow the hand going down her body like my eyes can only see that hand.

Slowly, oh so slowly that single hand travels down her body then back up as she lets out a giggle. I drag my eyes back up and green eyes meet mine. My face heats up, busted.

"Hey Kota." My lovely lady purrs at me, wait purrs? Groan! Why does she have to be so sexy, I need to put my big boy pants on, and maybe it should be a pair with more crotch space if this is going to keep happening.

"Wh-" my voice squeaked, I cleared my throat, come on Kota be a real man, the bottom half of you already knows what is going on. "What is going on 10?"

Before Sang answers she jumps off the table the chain rattle immediately drawing all attention to her chest. I look away and quickly check if I have any drool on my mouth, okay all good. I turn back and Sang is pushed up against my torso. Her bare stomach against my clothed one, but the sight alone make me twitch.

"Nothing is going on Kota, I'm just dancing." And she finishes with her cute giggle but then those giggles turns to a full blown laugh, head thrown back, her long neck in view. That delectable neck, just waiting for me to kiss, lick and suck. NO! Get it together.

Sang goes for another drink, but I take the mug before she can have another and she frowns and starts to jump up and down to reach it. The chain rattle and her breast bounce, I gulp and take a whiff of the liqueur and gag, some strong fruity mixture.

I pour the rest of the contents into a potted plant and quickly hide the liquor bottles, but most of it is already Gone. I shake my head, what has gotten into you my beautiful Sang?

I come back into the living room to see Sang sitting, well no bouncing on the couch. Why can't I get a break in here, and how does she know I like the chains, I groan at the image forming in head.

Sang lying underneath me stark naked blindfolded and breathy heavy, lips swollen and glistening, both of them. I shake my head to remove the thoughts and I see 10 with a frown on her face, this is going to be a long night with drunk Sang.

I kneel before her and lift her head up to meet mine, her features sad. "What's wrong beautiful, I only put away the liquor because I think you have already had enough and I don't want you to be sick." I tell her, keeping eye contact so she knows I'm telling the truth. That's not the only reason my subconscious snickers, well it is true, I am a boy.

Sang brings her hands round and squeezes her breast apart then pushed them together and then just squeezes them through her bra. I look away, my ears turn red, calm down Kota there is a reason to this.

Sang sniffles and look back at her, "do you think my boobs are to small Kota?" Her voice just reached my ears and my head snaps up. Wait What! Her boobs too small, that is not possible they are perfect, and I tell her that.

Her face instantly brightens and she pounces on me, jumping from the couch and he fall back on the carpet. Sang starts bouncing up and down on my lap saying "Thankyou" over and over again.

I close my eyes, my breathing heavy. Don't let her think your a creep, calm yourself man. I chanted and if God heard me she stopped bouncing but she groaned and took a deep breathe.

"Ugh! Why don't you boys get it. I sometimes just want to have some fun! Not" she deepens her voice "Sang, no drinking alcohol. Sang, no this, Sang I don't think we she kiss anymore, I don't think we should get naked and fuck each other into outer space."

I was shocked, my mouth gaping open and closing like a fish, all of that information filled my brain but what stopped me was the last part, 'get naked and fuck each other into outer space.'

Does she want to be fucked into outer space? I could feel myself grin, but my head slowly caught up to my other head. Bad Kota, she is drunk, you would be taking advantage of her, just wait a day or too then you can.

Sang's bouncing again brought me out of my head. "But you know what Kota, I do want to be fucked senseless you know. Girls are just like you, we like pleasure too, but I like lots of it. So you know what?!" She took a deep breathe in but kept bouncing and I'm pretty sure she could feel how happy I was.

"All you boys should stop acting like monks and grind me down onto the bed, floor I don't care where. You could go down on me in a bathroom for all I care. You just need to park you car in my garage." Each of her words slowly becoming softer and slower and she slowly passed out from the alcohol.

Where was my sweet innocent Sang? But damn, if that is how she feels I would be glad to help her out and I grin, not caring about my problem any more. When Sang is awake I'm going to make sure she feels pleasured enough.

After a few minutes lying on the floor, Sang's steady heartbeat against mine, I pick her up and carry Sang to her room and lay her down on the bed. I took of my shirt and jeans, leaving only my boxers and I got into the bed too and cuddled up to Sang.

But I didn't take off her delicious bra and panties to change her. I don't know wether it was because my subconscious told me it would be wrong or if it was my other head saying that the first time I take it off would be the time I bury myself deep inside her.
I know, I know! All I seem to be doing is apologising but I am still so busy with life, but I will update again tomorrow and it will be a steamy scene!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though the long wait and I have not checked it so sorry for the grammar mistakes.

I hope to hear some lovely feedback !

Xoxo _hipster_peace_

( *insert next chapter smut warning* )

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