7 | More Rumors and Chara

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Later in the day, you got a knock on the door to your house. You ran across the house to open the door. Luckily, it was only a sweaty Undyne, ready to relax and eat your mother's cooking. "Sup," you said, letting the visitor inside the house.

"Hey," she said, closing the house door. "Mind if i chill here for a couple of days?"

"Why a couple of days? What happened?"

"Long story short, Dad was tied up to his own chair in the classroom, Papyrus got into a fight with Frogger, and rumor has it that Sans wants you in bed with him. I'm just worried I'll be in huge trouble from Dad for not trying to help him. I just ran off here just to avoid punishment. Luckily, I found out about everything minutes ago before I was dumb enough to go back home."

As you threw a bottle of blue Gatorade at her, you asked, "How often do you do this?"

"Before I showed up here, it was actually quite often. I'd go from house to house, begging for people to hide me from my real parents. Eventually they turned me in for money. I really hate how people get so easily corrupt when it comes to money." She reclined on the sofa by the kitchen. "Even though I'm with Wing Din Gaster as my foster dad, I still have the feeling he'll turn out to be as bad as my drug dealing real dad."

"I'm sure he won't do all those bad things drug dealing parents would do to their children." You shuddered, thinking about something. "I wonder. When was the last time he did drugs?"

"Now onto this, and please don't lie to me: [Female reader] Are you really that interested in Gaster? [Male reader] Are you 100% gay for Frisk?"

"Why do you even bring it up? They're called rumors for a reason."

"Knew it. Turns out, Meta Knight has been making rumors about you through stories that I almost believed myself. There was a slight flaw in them that made me realize it's a made up story."

Drinking Gatorade, you then made a 'I'm paying attention' face.

"He then said something like 'And then their best friend Chloe walked in on' and such. Obviously, out of Monster Kid himself, I got the fact that you never had a best friend named Chloe."

"No duh. I never had a best friend named Chloe. But I did have a best friend who name came close to that."

"Hmm... Make sense why the school believes the rumors. [Female reader] I sure hope this rumor doesn't get to Gaster himself. Otherwise, like Sans would say, you'd be having a bad time. [Male reader] I sure hope the rumor doesn't get to Frisk's parents. After all, they're really strict when it comes to sexuality."

"I really hope it goes away soon. I really don't want anyone affected by Megatron's words."

She stretched her arms to the ceiling. After stretching, she walked to the closet in the house, taking out a futon. "I need rest since football practice drained me of energy." She took the futon to your room, set it down on a large space in your room, and slept.

There was another knock on the door. You ran to see who it was. Checking the peep hole, you saw it was a messy but rather calm Gaster. Quietly, you ran to your bedroom and pretended to fall asleep. Luckily for you, your parents won't show up home until 11 P.M. to find out what's going on.


At Midnight, you fully awoke to the sound of giggling. As you ran to the source of the giggling, you find out it was just your parents telling Undyne really embarrassing moments about their lives. "I thought you let Mr. Gaster in the house. I thought you were showing her my baby pics as well."

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