I Waited Far Too Long to Say This

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THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED!!! I had MANY YEARS to say this! I would have, could have, should have said it earlier, but no! I had to wait! I had half a year to think this over, especially during college, where I actually contemplated on homework or writing! 

I chose to say it now. 

This. Story. Is. Discontinued. 

I'm very disappointed in what became of the fandom, to the point where I was part of the problem due to how they shaped me. What was an awesome game turned into hate, perversion, and even morphing it into different subsections that is no longer having to do with the GAME ITSELF. HATING WHATEVER SHIPS PEOPLE HAD BECAUSE IT DIDN'T ALIGN WITH WHAT YOU SHIP! Even as far as to hate on canon ships because of said alignment! Jesus Christ, what even happened?! And not just that! Every day I was pressured by family members who read this to constantly update this, and I no longer felt that passion how I once did! It chipped away from me to the point where I despised how much effort and time it took for me to even elaborate on ONE CHAPTER! The worst part is: the reason I was into Undertale was to forget I was forced out of a relationship along with a close family member dying and losing all my friends; what's the point when the person you want to forget is into the very thing that's helping you to forget them? 

I'm disappointed in myself for taking too long to say this. I should have said, "I no longer have the creative spark as I used to, so I don't want to write this anymore"; instead, I took the pressure and hate to heart, and in the end I was pleasing everyone but myself just to avoid people hating on me. No point in it now. I'll just accept whatever hate goes my way now, especially if the reason was I did what I felt like or needed to do and not what someone else wants. 

To whoever read what I wrote so far, thank you for sticking along. Apologies for not updating, but some things are better left unfinished. Never in my life would I want a heartfelt passionate story to end in such half-assed bullshit ending, so that's why I would rather leave it as is unless you guys ask for what actually happened after. I won't go wasting my time on this, writing more chapters and not worrying about a comic that I've been wanting to work on for a year, so I'll make that brief -- if you're even interested. 

As stated, thank you very much, and I'll leave the story with this statement.

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