15 | The Big Game & Blooky's Fanfics

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{The song displayed in the video will come in handy later. I suggest you listen to it before you proceed.}

"Um... [Y/N]," Blooky said. "I need help."

You walked over to the pale teen holding his laptop. "Yes?"

"You're good at writing fanfics. Right?"

[If you suck at Fanfics] You glared at the empty space as if you're in The Office, making a weird face yourself. "Well... Um..."

[If you're that good at Fanfics] You smiled, gladly knowing the answer to the question. "Of course, Blooky."

"Great! I need your help. Many of my followers gave me prompts of what to write for my Real Life One Shots of my life." He gave you a sheet of paper with scrambled and scribbled words written in a rush. "I picked the second, fifteenth, and twenty-third one since I like them. The thing is I don't know how to word them."

[Suck at fanfics] As you read the list, you were really concerned about how you're going to put it together into a story worth reading. You took a deep breath since you really were nervous about the whole fanfic thing. "I can try my best."

[Good at fanfics] Speed reading through the list already gave you ideas for the many stories in your mind. Looking at the three chosen, you knew how you'll make them work out with proper wording. Confident and shaky, you said, "I'll take it from here."

"Thank you!" He grabbed graded homework and wrote ideas that he had so far about the fanfic. [Unfortunately] You joined in as well.

+++ If you want, skip this; it's just the prompts Blooky likes+++

+++Suddenly [Y/N] gains the ability to write through DETERMINATION+++

"I'm so sorry," Undyne said. She kept walking around in her room. "I don't want this but I have to. It isn't you..." She looked down at the tile floor. "...It's me." She looked up. "It isn't my own fault for this. There were other factors involved as well. Others are saying we're not meant for each other. I even developed feelings for someone else. I'm sorry. This just won't work out... I had enough of this. We're breaking up."

The mirror stood still, reflecting her sheer anger and rage.

"I know it hurts, but it's for the best." She hugged the mirror. "I'm so sorry." She kissed the mirror like it was someone else. "Who knows if we get back together? But anyway, this is a goodbye." She left the room.

Meanwhile, Gaster dialed a number on his phone. "Hello? Pizza Hut? This is Gaster. Yes I would like to order a medium pizza with cheese. You know where the waterfall is? There's a door in a hallway. That's where I am. If you can, get there pronto. Thank you." He hung up.

Ten minutes later, he returned to his little room with the pizza he ordered. He opened the box, already tempted to take a slice of the warm, delicious pizza. As he took a bite, he grabbed the remote to the television and turned it on. "I wonder what's going on in the UnderRegion." He turned to the 'camera' in Undyne's room.

"I'm so sorry... I don't want this but I have to."

"Now this is worth watching." Gaster sat down, pizza in one hand, and watched the drama going on.

^ {Prompt One: Undyne breaks up with Undyne and gets rejected. Later, Gaster orders pizza. }

"PUSH HARDER," Alphys shouted.

"I'M TRYING," Mettaton shouted in a horrid agony. "IT'S NOT EASY WHEN YOU'RE A MALE GIVING BIRTH!"


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