11 | SNOW?! ((Hey Oh!))

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It was finally October. You woke up to both your parents driving away to work. Knowing what happens next, not only did you put on your usual wear, but you also put on a heavy jacket, boots, a hat, earmuffs, and mittens. You walked outside, seeing Papyrus, Undyne, and Sans worked up about it.

"SNOW," Papyrus shouted in question. "IS IT REALLY SNOW?!" He stretched with might.

"Yeah bro," Sans said. "It's snow. Not a big deal anyway." He looked down at the snow. Taking the first step, he walked in the snow only to fall inside the large heap of snow.

Papyrus and Undyne stopped what they were doing to see Sans in the snow. All that were heard from them were their laugh (Undyne laughs like "Fuhuhu" while Papyrus goes "Nyeh heh heh"). "OH MAN," they both said, "HE TOTALLY GOT SUCKED IN!!!"

Suddenly, a large snow pile fell from the roof on top of the two, burying them. Things stood quiet from there...

Sans stared out of the window of the house. "Heh."

You walked down the snowy street with Frisk, laughing hard.

Later, everyone was in their classes at school, seated. Mr. Gaster locked the door once the tardy bell rang, locking out Mettaton and Papyrus. He sat down and removed his heavy snow jacket. "Glad I bought this earlier. Never knew it would snow at this point in time. Anyway, Never Ever Make Out IN THE HALLWAY. I don't care about sexuality here, but it's downright disturbing to make out until you end up locked out of the class." He checked the announcements once more. "...THE FOOTBALL TEAM MADE IT TO THE SEMI FINALS!!!"

Hearing that made everyone in the class roar with excitement... for a while before settling down.

"...Haunted house might be cancelled this year... open to ideas..." He got up, grabbed the science textbook, and threw it out the window out of rage. "MR. FLUFFYBUNS HAS GOT TO GO! HE CANNOT DO THIS!"

"Just as I feared," Sans whispered, hiding underneath his desk.

He hit his head on his work desk a couple of times and tried to calm down. "No... This can't be..."

"What's wrong," Froggit asked. He got up and tried to calm down the teacher by fanning him.

"...If anything happens, the school will not take any action towards it."

Quickly, Undyne dialed a number. Everyone knew she's on the line when she said, "...Our rights are being violated on campus."


The school had to be closed for a while. Two reasons were behind it actually: the snowfall got worse as well as the fact most of staff were suspended after the law violation. Since that happened, everyone left the school very happy, playing in the snow like many five year olds.

Then there was you... Thinking of a way to continue the haunted house. Many of your classmates didn't like the idea, but you were DETERMINED to get things upright. At the moment, Blooky and Mettaton were helping out as much as possible.

Blooky said, "Rejection. That's what everyone fears the most." He laid down on his snow bed, or should you say a large rectangular prism made of snow that is big and strong enough to withstand Blooky's height and weight. "Right, Metta?"

"How about," Mettaton said, "some really dumb idea that I picked up back at Hotland Cities. So, when I ran this restaurant, I pulled a prank on the customers by saying we can only give out food made of sequins and glue."

"What happened?"

"People still ate it since it's my brand." He sighed. "No one got sick, fortunately, but I don't like it when people would grab anything that has to do with me." He reclined on the snow chair that his cousin made for him. "At least people here don't know that I'm famous."

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