16 | Chara's Reappearance

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Everyone in the school the next day were talking about how the game went. The people that didn't want to go ended up regretting such action while those that went had way too many things to talk about. Undyne, however, ended up getting the most fame in the school for her bravery and determination in the football team.

"UNDYNE," everyone shouted in glee once she arrived to the school with you and your friends.

"Settle down," Mr. Gaster shouted. "No need to swarm the halls for a person."

When you and everyone else got to the class, Mr. Gaster didn't shut and lock the door, finally having Froggit arrive to the class.

"Mister Gaster. Why didn't you shut and lock the door? I'm late and all that sort of crap!"

"I'm in a really good mood today," Mr. Gaster responded. "So I'll let it slide for today."

"Thank you sir!" Froggit ran to his seat, which was right next to Sans.

"How is he in a good mood," Alphys whispered to Papyrus, who sneaked inside the class.

"It's because," Papyrus whispered, "he finally got noticed by his crush."

Unaware that people were eavesdropping on the conversation, Papyrus heard the whole class say "Oooh" teasingly. "Uh oh," the tall boy whispered.

"Who's his crush," everyone asked 'Alphys'.

"W-Well...," Alphys started. "M-'Monster Kid's' crush is M-Ms. Muffet."

Suddenly everyone went wild.

[Female Reader] You did wonder why people were acting that way. Somehow, you realized Mr. Gaster has some sort of liking for Ms. Muffet. He can't, you thought. I love him an I know it~Wait! What?! Of course, many thing have been going in your mind. You need to get it out somehow, but you tried not to react violently.

[Male Reader] You felt so confused as to why people have been acting the way they are now. Then it hit you: Mr. Gaster really likes Ms. Muffet. No, you thought. Ms. Muffet likes me; not him~Wait! You felt like you were going crazy as these thoughts get even stronger in your head. Then, you tried to remain as quiet and non-violent as possible.

"Settle down," Mr. Gaster said. He cleared his throat. "Another pop quiz!"

Everyone then groaned.

"And it will be a really hard question."

The groaning got even louder.

"Now, The chemical (ethyl mercaptan) added to the otherwise odorless LPG cooking gas for imparting a detectable smell to the gas is a compound of?"

"Sulfur," Froggit shouted.

"Extra credit for you, Froggit." Mr. Gaster then wrote down on his clipboard that Froggit gets extra credit. "I have another one for everyone. Production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gas which is proposed to be banned in India, is used in which of the following domestic products?"

"The refrigerator," Alphys shouted.

"I wonder why the people who show up late end up being the smartest ones? Or the people that have been known to being smart actually get these right? Anyway, one last one." As he wrote in the clipboard, he then said, "What is the best solution to overpopulation."

Aloud, you shouted, "The Hunger Games!"

Everyone started to laugh... And there went Mr. Gaster's good mood. "Detention," Mr. Gaster said, pointing at you though trying to hide a smirk of laughter. "During lunch tomorrow."

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